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  1. D

    Sad news - Paul Schmid passed away

    Sebastian... I was very sad to see your post. Paul was a good guy and an asset to our sport. Dick
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    Harrison Group Match Saturday...

    September 6th. We will shoot one 100 yd. agg. starting at 10 AM sharp. If you want special bench arrangements (like sharing a bench) please get there early (8:30 AM) or call or email me. Gate open at 8 AM. Coffee and donuts available at that time. This is our last group match of the year and...
  3. D

    Lowell Hottenstein earns Eastern Region Hall of Fame honors.

    Congratulations, Lowell... I'm hearing about a .13" agg???? Unbelievable shooting! Dick
  4. D

    Harrison Score Match-Results

    It was hot by Harrison... standards and very humid. The wind as blowing harder than usual. Both Brian (who usually shoots very well) and I (who don't) got caught by an evil sumpin and dropped points. I had no idea you could blow a 30 cal. bullet that far at 100 yds. Brian managed to salvage 20...
  5. D

    Score match Saturday...

    Joe, Glad you are coming. Given what you said, I am going to make up some "I Beat Hall of Famer and Benchrest Shooter of the Year, Joe Krupa" T-shirts to sell after the match.;) It will be good to see Wallace again. Dick
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    Score match Saturday...

    The forecast looks... good with a chance of rain Friday night and a high in the 80's on Saturday. By the time it gets that warm we will be at MacFarland's. Hutch said he and Gage would be there. Somebody will shoot 25X before long.:) Dick
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    Score match Saturday...

    The Harrison Sportsmans Club will host a 100 yd. centerfire score match this Saturday, 23 August. Range open at 8 AM. Shooting starts promptly at 10. Anyone desiring special bench accommodations, ie: sharing a bench, please arrive early or call me ahead of time. Dick Wright 989-386-3932
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    New target Paper

    Something's missing here... I've been scoring targets for a very long time. I submit that more ragged holes are made by out-of-tune guns than anything else. We use IBS targets and don't have scoring problems with guns that are "Throwing spirals". If a bullet is wobbling on the way to the...
  9. D

    Harrison Rimfire Results

    We shot our second match today. Results... Benchrest Class Jim Hutchison........... 500-37X (New Range Record) Dick Wright.............. 500-33X Kurt Krug................. 499-35X Larry Gage............... 499-34X Factory Class Harold Bobo............. 494-23X Glenn Bechtel...
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    Harrison Rimfire August 9th...

    The donuts are now... ordered. Mike won't tell you but this is the part he misses the most. Mike is a retired cop and everybody knows that cops run on coffee and dounts.;) We are looking for a decent turnout from the club members with their squirrel rifles. I can't believe how good some of...
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    Holton Double Tournament Aug 9 & 10

    Bill... I remember it well. I guess my point was we should communicate before schedules are set rather than after. Dick
  12. D

    Holton Double Tournament Aug 9 & 10

    Joe's right... this needs to be coordinated before the match dates are set. Glorya and I planned on shooting at home (Harrison) on Saturday and driving up to Joe's that evening so we could shoot Sunday. Unfortunately that can't happen now. Too bad... Joe had about 40 shooters to this match...
  13. D

    Harrison Rimfire August 9th...

    We will host our second rimfire match this Saturday the 9th of August. Gate will be open at 8 AM. Shooting starts promptly at 10 AM. Come early to register, set flags, have coffee and donuts, etc. This will be a 25 and 50 yd. match using IBS rimfire targets. We have classes for both benchrest...
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    coated vs steel bushings

    Butch, Glad you have one. Carbide bushings are far better than any others if for no better reason than it's easy for someone who knows what they are doing to grind a really smooth finish on the radius and I.D. where it counts. Mail to... Dick Wright 9421 E. Mannsiding Rd. Clare, MI 48617...
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    coated vs steel bushings

    Butch... I emailed you and haven't got a reply so far. Should you have one left, I would like a .3275" bushing also. I need your address to send the check. Thanks, Dick
  16. D

    Harrison Group Match Results

    Bob, Our normal O.D./I.D. chamfer tools leave small burrs inside the case neck. I always use K & M's 14 deg. reamer to remove same. Those Landis books are worth a lot of money. Better find it. Dick
  17. D

    Mike Conway update...

    I just got an email from Mike saying he was home and doing O.K. He is only allowed to sit up a few minutes a day and is not taking any calls or personal visits yet. He says he's still pretty uncomfortable. Big Al... will you email Mike the results from the last two matches, the one's he missed...
  18. D

    Harrison Group Match Results

    Scott, Jeff had his Rem. 40-X in (I think) .222. If he brings the Taylor & Robbins, I will bring my Fatso and teach that boy some humility.;) That's a challenge, Aberegg. Bob, essentially you use minimal neck tension (compared with normal dies) and insure that the case neck is smooth on the...
  19. D

    coated vs steel bushings

    Butch... I didn't know you still had carbide bushings. We gotta talk. I am currently doing a series of articles on the very best products that I have found for benchrest and if you still sell them, I will definitely include that in the article. Dick
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    Harrison Group Match Results

    Never heard that and... my initial thought is that theory is probably the result of too much time on one's hands, too much keyboard time and too little at the range or, maybe, childhood abuse and some really bad drugs. The bullet in the case is atop powder and air and is sealed. When the gun...