Score match Saturday...

Dick Wright

New member
The Harrison Sportsmans Club will host a 100 yd. centerfire score match this Saturday, 23 August.

Range open at 8 AM. Shooting starts promptly at 10. Anyone desiring special bench accommodations, ie: sharing a bench, please arrive early or call me ahead of time.

Dick Wright

I'd like to reserve bench 11 for Jeff!!!!!!!

Make sure the bench AND TARGET are well marked in bold numbers.............................:D
You shoot on one guy's sighter ( Al's ) one match then accuse him ( Al ) of shooting on your target at another match when it was nothing more than a fly sitting there for two minutes an your going to dump me on #11? Put me down for two guns then Richard. See ya'all Saturday.

Jeff Aberegg

What can I say. Tough crowd!!!!!!:D

Thinkin this should be a good match. Larry's on a roll, Rick should have his gun shooting well. Doesn't even count the usual suspects who are ready, willing and able to kick some serious booty. IF the weather's right there's a 25X waiting to be claimed............................................................. shouldn't be long.
The forecast looks...

good with a chance of rain Friday night and a high in the 80's on Saturday.

By the time it gets that warm we will be at MacFarland's.

Hutch said he and Gage would be there.

Somebody will shoot 25X before long.:)

The Purple Panda

No one has even mentioned the guy with the "Purple Panda" who's always got an excuse but seems to walk away with enough 1st place money to claim us on a W-2 . That gun whips me by an "X" or .001 every saturday. That gun would look good in my reloading room.
Good Luck Brian. I'll be thinking of you guys on saturday.

I'll be there with Wallace.

We would like to shoot off the same bench, if possible.

I will be bringing either my yellow Teddy with its new .30BR barrel (dependent on Dwight finishing the boltface on Friday) or Scoville's new "muffler-clamp and bomb" gun.

If it's the Teddy, I will be breaking in the barrel and fire-forming brass at the same time (a recipe for disaster). I'd like to get it ready to try at the Score Nationals (and Harrison is my pre-match lucky shooting place). It's all up to Dwight as of right now.

If I don't have the Teddy ready, then it's "the bomb". There will be much controversy created. Scoville showed up at the IBS Nationals with one of his muffler-clamp guns, borrowed a barrel, screwed-on a three-pound weight under the gun (filled with breast implant gel) and finished in the top ten in two classes. He shoved the gun in my car as I was packing up on Saturday and asked me to try it and see what I thought of it. The implant gel alone was enough for me to take an interest.

See you guys on Saturday (with Wallace in tow).

Glad you are coming.

Given what you said, I am going to make up some "I Beat Hall of Famer and Benchrest Shooter of the Year, Joe Krupa" T-shirts to sell after the match.;)

It will be good to see Wallace again.

I see Larry first with Joe and Jim tied for second with 24 each. In other words, it's going to be one of those matches where you'll say, ya I was there and it was something to watch!! Me, I'm hoping to get my first 250 for the year!!! See ya'all Saturday.

Jeff Aberegg
Me, I'm hoping to get my first 250 for the year!!

Trying......................... real hard....................................not to.....................................say anything.......................................:D

Well ch!t, if ya could at least hit YOUR own target ya might stand a chance.

Now watch me crossfire .................................................................:eek::eek: