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  1. L

    Saw a nice rifle for sale yesterday:

    Thanks for posting about it Pete. Richard Johnson is the one that called me first about it. Hope you did well at the match. Regards, Larry
  2. L

    Larry Costa Wins Shamrock XII...Buddy Ross nipping at his heels. Here are the results

    Thanks for the congrats. I enjoyed the shoot a lot, especially following on the same bench (and rooting for) my friend Buddy Ross. He has come ALIVE and is now a prime contender at any match. KOOL !! I was very impressed with the way the match was run in some terrible weather. The folks at...
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    Saw a nice rifle for sale yesterday:

    That was my rifle!! As the awards ceremony was finished at Dublin I got a call from a police officer that he had the rifle and that he was processing it and was ready to give it back to me as soon as I got back to town. The officer was great! I will be picking it up in the morning. NOT A BAD...
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    Mandatory Superfeet use

    Bill and Boyd, Look fellows, I have used superfeet before in the World championships. No big deal, If I went to your range I would use them since that is your rule. I'm okay with that. I just don't think it is necessary and I have found that on some slick bench tops in dry weather they don't...
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    Mandatory Superfeet use

    A couple of friends and I just finished adding some benches to my range. Could not wait to put the hammer to them. There are five benches there now. Three are old and have character holes from much use. Look great. I feel bad about you sensitive types that apply carnuba wax to their bench...
  6. L

    Results/Comments on Bradenton (Manatee) Match

    Greg, George Kelbly was the one that caught on to the fact that it was my stuff. He came and got me out of the scoring trailer. Don't know yet all the details of who these folks were or where the rifle came from; the story changed a few times. I'll let the detective sort it out. I'm just happy...
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    Results/Comments on Bradenton (Manatee) Match

    Just to give some answers to questions, Buddy Ross will be providing a report on standings, etc. Weather: We had, as usual, the coldest day of the year in Florida for the match. We moved it this year to avoid it but again the gremlins were at work. I mean by this that there were clear skies...
  8. L

    Anyone who says they can tell a difference when charges vary a tenth of a grain.

    Wilbur and Jim Wilbur, As you can probably tell I don't pay too much attention to e-mail, etc. In any case it is . You have my phone number also but here goes (941)-928-2445. Jim, You are always welcome at my range, but while the test is going on I just want it to be...
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    Anyone who says they can tell a difference when charges vary a tenth of a grain.

    Wilbur, We have our match in Bradenton on the third weekend of Feb. If you want to, come a few days early (Billy and Bart may be at my range to play), and we can have a bit of a reunion. We could do our experiment and then you could stay for the match and take the rust off your stuff. My range...
  10. L

    Anyone who says they can tell a difference when charges vary a tenth of a grain.

    Wilbur, Skeptical is good. I have always admired how well you can read the wind, and it always amazed me how sloppy you are at loading (don't take offense old friend) and yet, how much you have won doing so. I'm kind of hoping to see you clean that old die of yours, wipe a couple of cases necks...
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    Anyone who says they can tell a difference when charges vary a tenth of a grain.

    Wilbur, The reason I think most folks can't tell the OBVIOUS difference with a small change in load is because they are sloppy in some things they do. Notice that I said I would size the case, I would seat the bullets, I would have a tunned rifle and I would weigh the charges (oh, and by the...
  12. L

    Anyone who says they can tell a difference when charges vary a tenth of a grain.

    Wilbur, First of all I am a bit embarassed to accept this challenge; I don't want to sound like I am bragging (I ain't no Boyer and don't pretend to be). I simply have done this a few thousand times and want the folks that are learning this game to know it can be done and to get there. To the...
  13. L

    Anyone who says they can tell a difference when charges vary a tenth of a grain.

    Wilbur, I hate to do this but you are on, with some rules: 1) We do it at my range. 2) I will provide weighed charges in sealed bottles .2 apart which you will dump into cases that I have sized. 3) You can sample at random the bottles for weight on a scale that I will provide and which can...
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    Anyone who says they can tell a difference when charges vary a tenth of a grain.

    I don't know the brand of scale that he uses but his measures .02 grains, I've used it. I have a different brand that also measures that fine and it is pretty small also. When there is nothing unusual going on in the weather I use my RCBS machine, otherwise I confirm on the "fine" scale. It is...
  15. L

    Anyone who says they can tell a difference when charges vary a tenth of a grain.

    I don't want to get caught up in another "cluster" but I will put my two cents in. 1) Most people can't weigh to .1 grains. 2) Most People can't seat bullets exactly the same. 3) Most people can't tune a rifle properly or know when it is in tune. 4) Most people can't size brass correctly. 5)...
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    confused about cleaing method in Tony Boyer's Book of Rifle Accuracy

    Glen, I don't mind you putting on (so everyone in the World knows), any comment about me having good wine. I know that you and I are the only two that drink wine or booze of any kind at matches so my stock is safe.... Gee, thanks Glen, I may have to load up now before showing...
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    confused about cleaing method in Tony Boyer's Book of Rifle Accuracy

    Hi Butch, I have no connection to the book since it left my hands to go get printed. I have one copy signed by Tony and Faye and also the original word processor document but that's it. I thought Bruno and Sinclair carried it but can't be sure. Sorry. Larry
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    confused about cleaing method in Tony Boyer's Book of Rifle Accuracy

    Jerry, The man is amazing. He knows at an elemental level what is right and what is wrong with a gun, load, etc. He does not understand that the rest of us don't have that ability so he's confused when we ask questions that are so basic to him. The other amazing thing is his persistence when we...
  19. L

    confused about cleaing method in Tony Boyer's Book of Rifle Accuracy

    Okay Fellows, Tony said that he also puts the accelerator on the nylon brush along with the Patch-Out. As to the number of strokes he said he can tell by the way it feels on the first patch how many strokes he's going to do. So as usual I asked "How do you know?", and as usual he said "Well, you...
  20. L

    confused about cleaing method in Tony Boyer's Book of Rifle Accuracy

    Sorry guys, I wrote it and now I can't seem to remember because I use a different method of cleaning. I do remember that he puts the Patch-out with the Accelerator on the same patch and runs it through ( I think he does this twice), He then lets it sit while he goes and loads more rounds and on...