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  1. L

    Art - Post 2

    I mentioned that I would post the arrangements for Art. There will be no formal service but there will be an open house on the 24th between 2 and 6 pm. Please do not send any flowers or donations. The location is 6410 Approach Rd in Sarasota, FL. I would encourage any friends in the area to come...
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    Art Kelley

    I am very sad to inform you that the "Iron Man of Benchrest", Art Kelley passed away last night. As most of you know that compete in Benchrest, Art Kelley has been a figure that has inspired many of us when times were, by our perspective, tough. Art has suffered from MS for over 20 years and yet...
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    Interesting concept.

    When you turn the neck down to the shoulder (normal method), the potential donut is moved to that low point. Since we don't seat bullets that far down into the neck (and we throw away the brass on a frequent basis) it never comes into play. When you stop cutting the neck at a higher point the...
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    Col. Billy Stevens mother

    Sorry for your loss my friend. I went through that 3 years ago so I know how you feel. It sure has been tough with so many family members and friends leaving us lately. Our prayers are with you. Larry Costa
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    Lot mixing of powder

    Vern, I like the RCBS and have two that I keep in the motorhome. You can run it from a small 12 volt gell cell battery like Chris Harris (runs the unit all day). He took it to France for the World Championship and he would use it for a couple of days without charging. On the last day I used it...
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    Lot mixing of powder

    Guys, I am amazed at this thread. If you take a little N 133 powder (any year) and spread it out on a sheet of plain white paper you will notice that there are long grains, broken grains, and short-cut grains in it. If you are a believer in the load density vs. bulk you are better get out the...
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    Lot mixing of powder

    Vern, I do it all the time but I use a method that I would suggest you follow. I got this from a chemistry class so long ago that the periodic table has changed a lot... Start by mixing a small amount of both powders. Mix that with twice as much of both powders and keep repeating until all is...
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    Help with a Rifle Recommendation for a 15 year old

    Hi Folks, The kid came over to the range and he shot my rail gun, 3 five shot groups, agging around .160 in a nice crosswind. He then shot a LV rifle, again 3 groups in a nice crosswind; adding around .180. He loaded all the ammunition under my supervision (I think I will bring him to the...
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    Help with a Rifle Recommendation for a 15 year old

    Thanks to all. I will make sure that the first thing we do is gun safety...especialy for the father (inside joke). I hope, and will take the time to insure, that he will become a responsible gun user and not a yahoo. I will look into all the recommendations given on equipment and the CMP/NRA...
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    Help with a Rifle Recommendation for a 15 year old

    Well that was fast. Thanks guys! Hope I can hook one to become a benchrest shooter in time. Larry
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    Help with a Rifle Recommendation for a 15 year old

    HI Folks, There is a young fellow and his dad coming over to my range on Monday. The kid is interested in rifles and his grandad recommended that he get something in a "22"... I will let the kid shoot and load my 6PPCs and also some hunting rifles in .243, 7mm and 30 cal. The father thinks the...