Lot mixing of powder

I am agreeing with the Same Powder and different lots.
I have seen no problems. I have bought a lot of 1 pounders. Could not afford more at the time.
But, like someone said. Watching your flags is more important.
I wonder

I'm with Ray! WHAT a load of crap....fencing with shadows here...

Unless you're trucking your powder over-the-road on unsprung trailers "settling out" ain't an issue.

As Skeet sez, shake the bloody can!



Ever been to a propellant manufacturing plant ? I wonder why then the powder manufacturers concern themselves with trying to maintain consistent batch to batch densities if a certain degree of separation was something that cannot happen ? You might have to talk to your friendly chemical engineer for the answer like I did.
Density versus Load Density or Bulk Density

The Intrinsic properties no doubt far out weigh the Intensive properties.

I believe the powder companies; before mixing lots, expose the powders to atmosphere a certain amount of time to allow the surface moisture to become uniform.


I am amazed at this thread. If you take a little N 133 powder (any year) and spread it out on a sheet of plain white paper you will notice that there are long grains, broken grains, and short-cut grains in it. If you are a believer in the load density vs. bulk you are better get out the tweezers and start to pick out individual sized grains for your next match... Good luck with that.
Please let's have some common sense and not worry about mixing N133. Above I provided a method of mixing used in the pharmaceutical industry for those that want to make sure their mixing method is consistent. It works; sort of like insurance.

Larry Costa
Thanks Larry thats what I am planning on doing.
Now if I can just decide whether to invest in an electronic RCBS Ill be all set for this next year.
I have been using one of the original culvers supposedly made by Culver himself.
I like the RCBS and have two that I keep in the motorhome. You can run it from a small 12 volt gell cell battery like Chris Harris (runs the unit all day). He took it to France for the World Championship and he would use it for a couple of days without charging. On the last day I used it all day and it worked great. Another alternative is to go to autozone and buy one of the small starter battery units (with charger built in and a cigarette lighter output) and run off of that like Andy Shiflett does. I have a generator in the motorhome so I just use 120 volts.
Good luck.
isnt there a thread out there somewwhere, where a guy sosrted powder with different sized screens ???
mike in co

I am amazed at this thread. If you take a little N 133 powder (any year) and spread it out on a sheet of plain white paper you will notice that there are long grains, broken grains, and short-cut grains in it. If you are a believer in the load density vs. bulk you are better get out the tweezers and start to pick out individual sized grains for your next match... Good luck with that.
Please let's have some common sense and not worry about mixing N133. Above I provided a method of mixing used in the pharmaceutical industry for those that want to make sure their mixing method is consistent. It works; sort of like insurance.

Larry Costa
Mike , periodically, this comes up, about 10 years ago one of the magazines ran an article on powder sifting.

But as Larry indicated, 133 has so many different sizes and shapes of the individule kernals that I don't have a clue as to how many seives you would need.........jackie
About the powder companies not ever mixing powders, doesn't Hogdon blend powders to get their Superformance line of powders?
Dave T
But as Larry indicated, 133 has so many different sizes and shapes of the individule kernals that I don't have a clue as to how many seives you would need.........jackie

As long as you picked the 2-3 seives that would get you 40-50% of the material, you be fine. Re-bottle and re-sale the bulk of the material and keep the size sorted kernals for yourself. Larry's results that John references above are very interesting and suggest the significant improvement in group size with the powder he tested with.

I have sieved 100s of lbs of silica particles, but never dreamed of sieving gunpowder. I think I still have access to a sonic vibrator that holds a stack of 10 sieve plates. We had about 30 sizes of sieves. I think I smell a experiment in the future.... One of you true shooters are going to have to send me some N133 to sort for you... I don't shoot competitively and don't even shoot a 6PPC, but I would love to see the result of such and experiment. I will check and see if I still have access to the sieves. The scientist in me would want to eliminate all the variables possible, which takes us to a rail gun with 10 shot groups.... preferably shot in Gene's tunnel.... none of which I have access too... :(

As I remember, there was a long series of posts on this back when BR Central was a list, not a website. These were serious BR-only people. Again, best I remember, sifting powder was found a very effective technique for 728 ball powder, not useful for stick powder.
tiny...see if jackie still has his n133..that he hates.....he had a bunch at one time

mike in co