Search results

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    Harley Baker (4)

    With all the accolades being handed out for SOY i think Harley Baker needs to be reconized for the hard work and dedication he has shown to the sport of Group Shooting! IBS Group Shooter of the Year 4 years straight. Congratulations Harley! Also Congrats to Barney Small, (IBS Rookie Group SOY)...
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    2011 U.S. World Team Announced

    Joel, I have been studying up on my French already: When i am approached i assume he will say "bienvenue" (welcome). At which point i will reply "C'est ton chien", (is that your dog), he will politely reply, "voici ma soeur Pauline" (is my sister Pauline). I will smile and say "L'eau est...
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    Wilson seater with micro adjustments - worse than those without?

    Something else you wont find in Tony's book, The statement: "You're all doing it wrong"
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    Bob Scarborough

    The newest member of the benchrest HOF. Congrats Bob, you certainly earned it! andy
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    J4 Jackets Supply Policy Change

    Eric Stecker/Bart Sauter..........personally i would have rather just seen them wrestle!
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    Way to go George! When you have a group of shooters who shot as consistent as the top 4 did (carter, buckys, sauter, scarbrough) it's a shame someone has to lose. andy
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    Union County Memorial Results

    Congrats Harley! Probably the toughest 2 days in a row that i have ever shot in. Mark and crew ran a great match as usual Congrats to Harley for some great shooting and to all the other winners. Andy
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    Lowell Hottenstein wins Hog Roast. R. Stewart shoots potenetial LV 200 World record.

    Fairchance Congrats to Lowell on his 2-gun win! I had the pleasure or agony (depending on how you look at it) of shooting beside Mr. Stewart at the cactus earlier this year. I watched him shoot a .18? at 200 yards and this past weekend he shot another .18? at 200 yards. I dont have a clue if...
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    Tony Boyer

    I just spoke to Wayne, Tony is still in alot of pain but they cant seem to find anythin wrong. They are going to give him some strong pain meds and release him this evening, the way it looks now he is going to try to fly home tomorrow. Andy
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    Tony Boyer

    Yesterday TB was admitted to the hospital in Vegas for severe back pain. As of this morning they havent found anything seriously wrong. It appears he has damaged the muscles in his back. At this point they are unable to say excately when he will be released. Faye is staying with him at the...
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    FYI Shot Show TB Book Signing

    Correction! Tony and Faye will be at the shot show representing Lapua and Vit, but he will not be signing copies of his book. Andy
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    Can you name this shooter??

    Aint he Cute! Jack Neary????????????? Did i win?
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    Scotty I wasnt gonna make him walk but i did consider making him ride on the back of the truck. Only reason i didnt was because he called home and Faye said it was raining. It will never go down as a win but 2nd to TB is ALMOST as good!
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    Legal Issues! Dear Mr. Snader Wen I gaduated high skool i was the top of my klass. all of my tchers was sad to cee me go. On top of me diploma was the leters DACF. I was so hapy! Only yeers later i find out the leters stod for DUMB ASS COUNTRY F_ _ _ i hop this cleers me of any pinding...
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    Tony Boyer

    !!!!!! Amen!!!!!!
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    Results Sporter 100 Tony Boyer Andy Shifflett Russell Rains Sporter 200 Tony Boyer Hal Drake Andy Shifflett Sporter Grand Tony Boyer Andy Shifflett Pando Visalaski (sp) Heavy Varmit 100 Andy Shifflett Hal Drake Mike Mastrogivana (sp) Heavy Varmit 200 Milt Craven Andy Shifflett Tony Boyer...
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    East-West Show-Me Shootout Match results...

    Good Shootin Harley! Good consistent shooting all weekend. He very seldom makes a mistake. It was fun to watch. Congrats. Andy
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    South Creek - Sutton Memorial -Nader wins

    Good Job Mr Nader! Congrats Joel. Now that you got everything working you may as well load up and head to St Louis. andy
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    Questions about Beggs' Ultralite stock ??

    Beggs Stock Just so everyone is clear: The IBS group committee did not say the beggs stock was "legal". But due to the wording in the rule book we were unable to say without a doubt that it is "illegal" therefore it is being allowed in competition until a precise determination is made. andy
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    Name One

    Even the best need................. Lady luck