You cant fix stupid



I just returned from a local shooting range and would like to share my experience.

I was the first customer at a local range this fine Monday morning hoping to work up a load for my new supply of BIB bullets. The RO asked me what bench I would like so I picked #18, 100 and 200 from the same bench, nobody else was there and I thought to myself this is going to be a good day.
I set up my table and reloading gear as another shooter arrived, so I stopped to go downrange with him to set up targets. Then loaded up 5 rounds with a reduced charge and started shooting, 4 went into one hole I pulled 1 out of the group. I loaded the next 5 with the normal amount of 135 and proceeded to shoot a nice little group. Satisfied with the charge being ok I loaded up another batch. I was finishing up the loading when the following exchange took place:
RO: What are you doing? You can’t reload here.
Me: I read the rules, and there is no mention of “no reloading”
RO: It’s not safe having all that gun powder lying around.
Me: There is less than 8 ounces of powder in that dispenser.
RO: Doesn’t matter, its not safe.
Me: Do you allow shooting black powder weapons here?
RO: Yes, black powder is allowed.
Me: So a black powder shooter has to shoot once then leave the range to reload?
RO: No, that would be ridiculous.
Me: OK, now let me get this straight, it is ok to reload black powder here, which by the way is much more easily ignited than smokeless powder, but it is not ok to reload with smokeless powder.
RO: huh?
Me: I will pack up after I shoot what is loaded.
RO: Thanks for not making a big deal about it.
Me: Makes no sense to argue, you cant fix stupid.

You can't fix stupid.

You're right, you can't fix stupid. But if you will ship him to San Angelo we will do a little work on him and ship him back to you(for a modest fee, of course!). :D

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Public ranges

CptKaos: I know exactly what you mean. On the rare occassions when I've been on Public ranges I've "met" these types. Not speaking for all of them, some are highly knowledgable & qualified, but, some are also political appointees who have the job only because of their connections with the local political power structure. The reason I belong to 3 local private clubs.
Public ranges

some of the public ranges around here have teenagers (or just out of high school) managing things on the range. The "smart one's" work in side in the air conditioning.
I just returned from a local shooting range and would like to share my experience.

I was the first customer at a local range this fine Monday morning hoping to work up a load for my new supply of BIB bullets. The RO asked me what bench I would like so I picked #18, 100 and 200 from the same bench, nobody else was there and I thought to myself this is going to be a good day.
I set up my table and reloading gear as another shooter arrived, so I stopped to go downrange with him to set up targets. Then loaded up 5 rounds with a reduced charge and started shooting, 4 went into one hole I pulled 1 out of the group. I loaded the next 5 with the normal amount of 135 and proceeded to shoot a nice little group. Satisfied with the charge being ok I loaded up another batch. I was finishing up the loading when the following exchange took place:
RO: What are you doing? You can’t reload here.
Me: I read the rules, and there is no mention of “no reloading”
RO: It’s not safe having all that gun powder lying around.
Me: There is less than 8 ounces of powder in that dispenser.
RO: Doesn’t matter, its not safe.
Me: Do you allow shooting black powder weapons here?
RO: Yes, black powder is allowed.
Me: So a black powder shooter has to shoot once then leave the range to reload?
RO: No, that would be ridiculous.
Me: OK, now let me get this straight, it is ok to reload black powder here, which by the way is much more easily ignited than smokeless powder, but it is not ok to reload with smokeless powder.
RO: huh?
Me: I will pack up after I shoot what is loaded.
RO: Thanks for not making a big deal about it.
Me: Makes no sense to argue, you cant fix stupid.

When you argue with a fool, he is doing the same thing! Good for you.
That is definitely an Austin kind of thing. Like Dan says, ship him on out to San Angelo. We definitely can help him with that attitude problem. Just let us know when he is arriving.

We will accept cash in advance of course.

Concho Bill
Ignorance is just the lack of education and is fixable. Stupid is clear to the bone and is bred in. No use arguing with a stupid person. Just makes you look bad too.

I just returned from a local shooting range and would like to share my experience.

I was the first customer at a local range this fine Monday morning hoping to work up a load for my new supply of BIB bullets. The RO asked me what bench I would like so I picked #18, 100 and 200 from the same bench, nobody else was there and I thought to myself this is going to be a good day.
I set up my table and reloading gear as another shooter arrived, so I stopped to go downrange with him to set up targets. Then loaded up 5 rounds with a reduced charge and started shooting, 4 went into one hole I pulled 1 out of the group. I loaded the next 5 with the normal amount of 135 and proceeded to shoot a nice little group. Satisfied with the charge being ok I loaded up another batch. I was finishing up the loading when the following exchange took place:
RO: What are you doing? You can’t reload here.
Me: I read the rules, and there is no mention of “no reloading”
RO: It’s not safe having all that gun powder lying around.
Me: There is less than 8 ounces of powder in that dispenser.
RO: Doesn’t matter, its not safe.
Me: Do you allow shooting black powder weapons here?
RO: Yes, black powder is allowed.
Me: So a black powder shooter has to shoot once then leave the range to reload?
RO: No, that would be ridiculous.
Me: OK, now let me get this straight, it is ok to reload black powder here, which by the way is much more easily ignited than smokeless powder, but it is not ok to reload with smokeless powder.
RO: huh?
Me: I will pack up after I shoot what is loaded.
RO: Thanks for not making a big deal about it.
Me: Makes no sense to argue, you cant fix stupid.


What range?

So others will know what to expect, or possibly correct the situation if it is one mis-informed RO.
Stupid cannot be fixed!

Our Game and Fish Commission here in Arkansas has Hunter Safety Ranges scattered though out the state. One is manned with a G&F employee that is charged with running the range and maintaining safety. The range has a rule that states you cannot bring loaded magazines to the Range or you will not let you shoot. The employee inspects your gun before signing you in to assure it is unloaded, then proceeds to pilfer through your kit looking for loaded magazines. Now how are you going to be unsafe and shoot someone with a detached magazine that you brought to the range, but now when you load it at the range before shooting? Figure that one out.

Not long ago he thoroughly insulted and embarrassed a man in front of his son by not allowing him to shoot as he had stripper clips loaded when the man's kit was inspected. This was to be the son's first introduction to shooting sports and his father's first trip to this particular range. You can be certain that this man and his son will not go back there and have a very bitter taste in their mouths about shooting.

And the government wants to run our Health Care...............
A while back I went to a Chain sporting goods store to buy a Henry lever action 22 for my son in law for his birthday.

We went through all the registration process without problem. I was told that I must register the new firearm exactly like my name on my driver's license which I did. I was asked if the address was the same and I said it was as I have lived in the same place for 35 years. I looked at the driver's license and noticed that the zip code was one number off and, stupid me, I mentioned it.

It was at that point that the guy closed the book and informed me that I had to leave. The sale was aborted. You would have thought I was shop lifting. I was to leave the store. I was told to go to the driver license office and get a corrected license and come back after three days. I told them that I did not want the gun that bad.

Went about a mile to another gun store that was locality owned and bought two of the same gun, one for my son in law and one for me. The kicker is that I saved ten bucks each.

Revenge is so sweet.:)

Concho Bill
went to a pay lake to do some night fishing, been going there for years !
new college preppy type in charge, said you cant fish after dark !
people don't fish after dark !!!!
what kinda new generation have we let grow up STUPID:mad:
Better not be....

Must be somewhere near Austin, Texas..:D
I doubt it would be at the Austin Rifle Club range since we hold benchrest matches there every month. Two thirds of the participants reload during the match after each match. Every club officer from the President to the principal range safety officer has observed these matches without one comment on reloading procedures. Soooo....I would be very surprised if the RO was from here.

went to a pay lake to do some night fishing, been going there for years !
new college preppy type in charge, said you cant fish after dark !
people don't fish after dark !!!!
what kinda new generation have we let grow up STUPID:mad:

Uh, spotlighting fish, huh? :D

It's not only the new kids who aren't the brightest puppies in the litter. I've seen and heard guys who were old enough to know what they were talking about say stuff that indicated they knew less about their subject of choice than my dog does.

As others have said arguing with an idiot does no good, if your appeal to logic and common sense, "do you allow black powder guns to be used here?", doesn't work it's time to walk away. I've never heard of not allowing loading at the range, especially if muzzle loaders are allowed.
This has been my guide for a lot of years.

Solomon Ibn Gabirol
In Choice of Pearls:

There are four mental types among human beings:

The man who knows, and is aware that he knows:
he is wise, so inquire of him.

The man who knows, but is unaware that he knows:
remind him and help him that he forget not.

The man who is ignorant, and knows that he is ignorant:
teach him.

The man who is ignorant, but pretends to know:​
he is a fool, so keep away from him.​
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Keep In Mind!

There is a 50/50 chance the next person you meet,

Will have less than average intelligence!

Aloha, Les