Y'all got me over a barrel....


cook and bottle washer
It's difficult for me to sit here and watch y'all insult each other because of passionate differences in interpretation. I do not want to interfere, nor do I dare given the subject.

I'll suggest that everybody fully understands the differing positions and we should realize that those positions are solid for the moment. Consider that suggestion for what it's worth and try to be as nice as possible.

We need to take a position of "One for All and All for One" rather quickly. Yeah, I know that's not going to be possible but we should make the effort.
Yes, you might have missed the topic(s) I'm referring to and I did beat around the bush somewhat deliberately. I'm glad that you don't get it. That's an indication that I've overreacted again.
Hang with us Wilbur. If we need an occasional reminder of what good manners are, remind us.

I'm saying this as one of the guilty ones.
Wilbur, I would be happy to act as your "Sentenel" whenever you feel you are near the edge of apropriatness.

Thanks Man! I'll be OK but it almost got too much there for a minute. All this argument among ourselves about gun control, superfeet and hammers, and then I find out Nick Saban is a "damned liar".....how much more can one man stand.
Well this is not near as bad as the, at this time, 42 page thread on Practical Machinist. There's some nasty stuff in that one.
Most of the comments over on PM Gunsmith forum are by people who are machinists and not gunsmiths, they dont make a living with guns.
Some opinionsbyal

#1, Wilbur, THANK YOU!

#2, Wilbur, never forget, you ARE The Grand Poobah.....refer back to #1

#3, IMO the reason you're feeling the way you are is because you care. Don't lose that, that's why most of us are here. (see #1)

#4, While fFffbBrRASCscCIISSS may well CLAIM he's the only one there.... well, maybe he better turn his head ;)

#5, refer back to #1, we love ya' Man, AND the horse you rode in on.

