Xmas at the range in Australia


New member

My local branch of the Sporting Shooter's Association of Australia (SSAA) have a great way to wind down the year.

The annual Xmas shoot has novelty challenges, but what fun!

Xmas 2013 was no exception,.22 rimfire only.

The comp started with a balloon shoot. Individual entry or a team of two were allowed. Only problem, the balloons were 200m away, filled with helium and bobbing in the breeze. Different colours used for each stand. First to pop their five balloons got the peanuts. And we had to shoot freehand, no bench, just your own back legs for support.

Then was the billiards shoot. Six 1" red blocks at 25m. After each red block one had to pot a coloured block, in billiards sequence, yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black. Each coloured block was 25m further away. Yep, from the back legs again.

Next was my favourite, the tack shoot. 5 drawing tacks in a stake, one above the other, at 50m. 5 shots only. Sounds simple... lol, try it on a hot windy day. We were even allowed to sit down for this one.

Then we had a candle shoot. A 1" wooden stake with a small wooden red 'flame' mounted on top. Winner had to remove the flame, without damaging the stake. 50m again, first home gets the banana (until the stakes are inspected). Sat down for this one too.

Finally, just to give everybody a chance at the prizes, a target with 25 numbered squares was placed at 50m. One had to nail 5 squares of their choice. The winner was decided when numbers were drawn from a hat. If you had hit that number you were a winner.

Entry was free to members and prizes were especially re-labelled bottles of local Aussie wine.
Plus, the lady supporters made a magnificent barbeque lunch. Never forget them.

Anyway, that was a great way to de-stress, you might want to consider something similar for your club.

(Yep, I got my bottle of Cab Sav)

Regards from Australia and have a great 2014

* Danny *
You've given me an idea...

Up north here, we have a different weather set at Christmas; -10 to-20 C, horizontal snow, mittens and not being allowed to remove snow banks from the peep sights, oh and I forgot, targets are snowballs(if the snow will stick) !!!
Do you think it might fly???

Wishing you a great New Year, pass the Cabernet Sauvignon please...

Phil aka tazzman

PS: My icon has snow goggles!!!