WRABF World Championships 2011 USA OPEN LETTER

Bill Collaros

Shoot to Thrill
Dear fellow shooters,

As we are fast approaching the business end of this event I thought i would pen a few words of my thoughts.

We at the WRABF and also the local Match Director in the USA are well on the way with finalising and sorting things for this upcoming event.

I would like everyone to start to focus on the positive side of things that this is doing for our sport and set aside any differences and politics that may cloud judgments and positive conversations.

I would like to wish all shooters well in their endevours to make their respective National Teams and of course wish the succesfull people all the best at the World Championships. If you are succesful in making your team now is the time to start finalising your documents and papers to travel to the USA.

We must of course thank our many sponsors and helpers who will make this the BEST Rimfire & Air Rifle Benchrest Championships our sport has seen.

The people you will meet & compete against will become friends and strike up new relationships from all over the World.

In short lets support this World Championship, have a great event, and then look forward to improving things even more for 2015 World Championship.

Best Regards,
Bill Collaros
thank you. we could us more shooers in rimfire and centerfire period. the fussing must stop if we are to save our sports world wide.
Here is Team AUS, if other Team Captains would like to name their teams please feel free to do so.

John Patzwald A
Clinton Sondergold A
Bill Collaros A (Team Captain)

Brett Wilson B (Team Gunsmith)
Barry Hilzinger B
Martin Lee B

Bob Mudler C
Dal Larsen C
Grant Manning C

Richard Lightfoot (Team Manager)
Greg Schneider
Geoff Knight
Joy Harrison (Team Manager)
Rebecca Richards
Annette Rowe (Team Doctor)

Brett Wilson A
BillCollaros A
Annette Rowe A

Martin Lee B
Richard Lightfoot B
Patrick Wolfe B

Thanks Sponsors

WRABF takes this opportunity to thank our generous sponsors for the 2011 World Championships:


WRABF President
Bill Collaros

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Flags & Anthems

Today the WRABF Secretary requested all Team Captains supply their Countries Flag & Anthem, what an honour and incredible feeling it would be to see your National Flag and hear your National Anthem while you get a Gold Medal at a World Championship from a sport you love.
I am a member of the host range (Palmetto Gun Club) and since the event is fast approaching I have a few questions. PGC was told that all we needed to do would be to provide the range, benches, pipes in the ground, target frames, and a clean mowed place to shoot. That part will be provided. I wonder what the arrangements are for hotels, transportation, food service, tents, tourism and so on. Charleston is a major tourism area and I hope everything is already contracted. I just finished as part (committee) of the NCAA rifle championships and will be hosting next weeks NRA collegiate championships at the Citadel (just to show I have a pretty good grasp of the details). Looking forward to meeting everyone taking part in the Worlds.
Today the WRABF Secretary requested all Team Captains supply their Countries Flag & Anthem, what an honour and incredible feeling it would be to see your National Flag and hear your National Anthem while you get a Gold Medal at a World Championship from a sport you love.


What teams are competing? I didn't see a list on the website.
Hi Prone Shooter,

We are looking forward to getting over there, most have boked at the Holiday Inn Express Summerville, Craig Young Match Director is busily organising all the other stuff.
Hi Tony,

The flags of competing and member countries are on the front page of www.wrabf.com a full list of shooters/countires etc will be listed in the near future. USA, AUSTRALIA, UK, ITALY, SOUTH AFRICA, CZ, GERMANY are some amongst the countries sending shooters for the World Champs.
The countries attending the World Championship are;
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
South Africa

There will be a large number of shooters around over the 9 days, with the largest number shooting the LV and HV rimfire - about 80.
Air Rifle Benchrest will be contended by all countries bar Germany, with 60 shooters in total for both events. Not bad for a area of the sport that has only been going since 2005.

Most are staying at the Holiday Inn in Summerville, but information about car rentals, tourism, etc would be much appreciated. Any help is beneficial to all.

Cheers, Carl
Hi Tony,

The flags of competing and member countries are on the front page of www.wrabf.com a full list of shooters/countires etc will be listed in the near future. USA, AUSTRALIA, UK, ITALY, SOUTH AFRICA, CZ, GERMANY are some amongst the countries sending shooters for the World Champs.

Bill thanks for the info. Now I have another question. When the match is over will there be an individual World Rimfire Benchrest Champion? Or will there only be Team/Country event winners?

Hi Tony, A little hard to do as each match is a separate event, so individuals and teams can get medals for each event. You are allowed different teams for each events also so for example the USA Team you will find most are only shooting 1 or 2 events not all of them. Theres is an AGM at the championships and Team Reps can put forwrad any suggestion they think are may make things better. The other problem is the classes are not all shot in all countires.

3/4 of TEAM AUS in our new World Championship uniforms. The back is not shown but it is big bold and flashy as opposed to the refined front.
Hi Tony...I'm certainly not a world class shooter, but wondering how one might qualify for the team??
Hi Dick, doesnt look like anyone answered so i will. Each country has their own qualifying matches for example in Australia it was our last 3 RBA Nationals. In the USA it was many differnet Nationals already shot from your different associations across the different events to give everyone a fair chance. I am pretty sure that process ended months ago and the teams are finalised so you are a little late, but the next World champs will be in 2015 so keep an eye out for info on those. Your contacts in the USA are Craig Young & Dave Kennimer.
Hi Dick, doesnt look like anyone answered so i will. Each country has their own qualifying matches for example in Australia it was our last 3 RBA Nationals. In the USA it was many differnet Nationals already shot from your different associations across the different events to give everyone a fair chance. I am pretty sure that process ended months ago and the teams are finalised so you are a little late, but the next World champs will be in 2015 so keep an eye out for info on those. Your contacts in the USA are Craig Young & Dave Kennimer.

Thanks Bill
Eley 5000 rounds of ammo for each rimfire class winner 25/50 combined
Trophies for all rimfire match winners
Gift to all competitors

KSS Medals for the Championship in all classes 1st, 2nd & 3rd

JSB Trophy for Air Trophy Aggregate

Broughton Barrel Voucher for Top Rimfire Junior 25m LV and HV aggregate

Seb Rest Lucky Draw Competitors Numbers (OPENING CEROMONY)

Leupold Scope Rimfire Aggregate & Scope for Air Rifle Aggregate, plus competitor gift

Bulzeyepro 2nd place agg winner in all air, sporter, LV and HV

Baitys Falcon Action Lucky Draw Competitors Numbers (CLOSING CEROMONY)
How will the testing of the Air Gun foot pounds be done?

What pellet will be used? Or will the gun be tested with the shooters choice of pellets? What is the tolerance level? How close to 12fpe and 20fpe can one be?

Wayne Burns, (USA "B" team LV & "C" team HV)
Match Director,
Ashland Air Rifle Range