WRABF News and Rule Changes



First, there will not be a World Postal event during 2014. It is possible that there will be other international postal matches that will be available in the future. Details to follow.

Next, by a majority vote of participating countries, the target time limit has been changed from 30 minutes to 20 minutes. This is outlined under D.3 (D.3
Time Limits: Score matches - the time limit will be 30 minutes. There shall be no exception to the requirement for all competitors to complete their string of fire within the time allowed.) of the 2012-2013 WRABF rules. I would encourage discussion from shooters and match directors on how this rule change should be implemented in the USA.

Obviously, this rule change should be made for matches connected with international events. This will be the case for qualifying matches for the 2015 World Championships in Australia.
So your saying that two weeks out from a major event this new rule change is going to be enforced.
I'm just wondering what was the count on the "majority vote" ?

Is this competition still considered a precision game or now a speed game?

I was also wondering at the meeting was there much discussion, on the effect this change would have on the thousands of everyday shooters?

Kath if u are Kath from Australia u have it wrong, this is a World Rule Change and was at least a 75 percent majoritY if not more bY world delegates BUT i announced last Year in Australia our Nationals would not adpot anY rules until Brisbane RBA Nationals in 2015, hope this eases Your mind.
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Should also mention the other major rule changes, no more 25M rimfire events onlY 25m will be Air rifle and also International Sporter can now be convex or flat
Bill, rather than putting tit bits of the AGM(s) out, would it not be better to list all the changes to rules and other matters that effect shooters.

Then, as Steve suggests, match directors can discuss the implications (not only in the USA).

Thanks Bill
"Brisbane RBA Nationals in 2015", would make more commonsense to me, to give everyone a chance to get used to the new rule.

But is it a rule change for "international / National" comps or club weekend comps?

I must have missed your announcement, I haven't been able to get to any comps for a while.

Bill, rather than putting tit bits of the AGM(s) out, would it not be better to list all the changes to rules and other matters that effect shooters.

Then, as Steve suggests, match directors can discuss the implications (not only in the USA).


Sure Brian but we are still in Plzen mate give us a chance mate.
Thanks Bill
"Brisbane RBA Nationals in 2015", would make more commonsense to me, to give everyone a chance to get used to the new rule.

But is it a rule change for "international / National" comps or club weekend comps?

I must have missed your announcement, I haven't been able to get to any comps for a while.


Kath it is for International Matches each club or countrY can choose to do what theY wish, In Aus new rules will start for all our Nationals from 2015, what clubs do is up to them but mz club will start on new rules to get used to the quicker time sooner rather than later.

Could you or Carl give us the rationale behind the need for this change? Also, changing from 30 minutes to 20 minutes is a rather aggressive change. Was there any thought to a reduction to 25 minutes as a way of testing the acceptance of this concept?
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The rationale on these rule changes was 2 fold, one was that shooters at World Championship level should be able to do it with no issue and shoot anY wind condition, the 2nd which involved this and the dropping of 25m rimfire was to accomodate more shooters, juniors and more countries as the demands are ever increasing. All of this was well explained to delegates and theY mostlY agreed.

It is now midnight here and i have just completed 2 weeks of shooting everY daY and also helping run the show, You will have to excuse me for now I need a rest or a drink whichever comes first.

SorrY about the capitol Y cant find a lower case Y for the life of me on this CZ keYboard ;)
30minute rule change

First, there will not be a World Postal event during 2014. It is possible that there will be other international postal matches that will be available in the future. Details to follow.

Next, by a majority vote of participating countries, the target time limit has been changed from 30 minutes to 20 minutes. This is outlined under D.3 (D.3
Time Limits: Score matches - the time limit will be 30 minutes. There shall be no exception to the requirement for all competitors to complete their string of fire within the time allowed.) of the 2012-2013 WRABF rules. I would encourage discussion from shooters and match directors on how this rule change should be implemented in the USA.

Obviously, this rule change should be made for matches connected with international events. This will be the case for qualifying matches for the 2015 World Championships in Australia.

I'll discuss this with our shooters then add to the forum. We already experienced the USBR change from 20 to 30 minutes so we've been there.

Thanks for providing some feedback. The point to this discussion is, do we want to make this change to all sanctioned matches or only those with an association to an international event?


Thank you for giving us the background leading up to this change. Why was it done now at the 2013 World Cup rather than waiting until the 2015 World Championships?
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Thanks for providing some feedback. The point to this discussion is, do we want to make this change to all sanctioned matches or only those with an association to an international event?


Thank you for giving us the background leading up to this change. Why was it done now at the 2013 World Cup rather than waiting until the 2015 World Championships?

Stephen it was done as part of the General Meeting as per the papers pre sent to all delegates, we needed to impliment asap before Aus to give them the chance to plan ahead and also we had no choice as we had outgrown oursleves in the old format. What each Association does at home is not an issue for the WRABF but i would suggest adopting rules in the next year or 2 so your shooters get used to the condtions locally before a big international match.

Thank you for the explanation.

USARB will leave this rule change at the discretion of the match directors until 2015. During this time, everyone can test the feasibility of the shorter time frame. For most local matches, with fewer shooters, it is not an important issue.

It will be necessary to implement during the qualifying process for the 2015 World Championships, which will begin next year.

In 2015, we will bring the matter up again to decide if it will become a full time rule.
No worries, the easier and the more that have an opportunity to qualify is the best scenario, good luck and most of all enjoy your shooting.
Picnic Time!

In Houston assuming rules of 20 min. time limit from another BR competition applied.....We have fired all of our matches from get go in 20 minutes. 10 min. off match time is fine with us, it allows for a 30 min picnic between matches. I am missing as many in 20 minutes as I would in 30 minutes.

Bob Zimmerman
We will be taking a census for our upcoming Regional on this subject but next year all of our Club matches will be 20 minutes as well as the Regional. I believe the 20 minute time allotted to qualify for next year worlds, the shooters need to get acclimated to the rule change asap.

Bob and Joe,

Thanks for your opinions. It's good to see that both of you are on top of this.
We have found that 20 min has been more than adequate. Most finish no later than 15. The only folks that are challenged by this are the life experienced folks shooting springers. We have been shooting 20 min matches for a couple years now without objection. We find rather than running out the clock waiting for the wind to stop... we have learned to use the wind to win. Having the longer times we find folks start to chat, BS, and disturb others that take their time unnecessarily that leads to grumblings that are alleviated with the shorter times. 48 seconds is more than enough time to take a shot.

Thanks for sharing your experiences as well. I can imagine that the springer shooters have a lot to do in that 48 seconds.