Worth looking into?



I am fairly new here, but I often stop by and lurk in order to glean wisdom from you guys... Lately, I have been looking at a friend's old Remington 521T, and I am thinking that if i buy it, I might want to put a scope on it instead of sticking with its aperture sights. I just saw a scope on Ebay that seems to match the era of the rifle and I am wondering what your opinion of these scopes are? http://www.ebay.com/itm/191573505227?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT It says it is a Lyman Super TargetSpot, which I assume would be fairly good, but I really do not know the reputation of these particular scopes and would love hear your wisdom. Thanks!
Missing the rear micrometer mount and front mount without those it is useless as is. It has no internal windage or elevation adjustments.
Thanks for your input. Somebody else picked it up, though.