This is copied from the 2009 NBRSA Board of Directors meeting minutes. there may have been more discussion past this but i'm unable to find any.
Dennis Thornbury then asked the Board to discuss and approve/amend the proposal submitted by Wayne
Campbell regarding the US World Team “Point Matches”. Butch Fjoser moved to accept the “Best 3 of 5”,
with the US World Team “Point Matches” as proposed by Campbell. Joe Krupa seconded and the Board
unanimously accepted Campbell’s “US World Team Point Matches” proposal.
The US World Team “Point Matches” will be as follows:
Cactus – 75 points maximum per grand agg in Light Varmint & Heavy Varmint;
Varmint Nationals – total points for all competitors;
Hog Roast – 75 points maximum per grand agg in Light Varmint & Heavy Varmint;
East-West - 75 points maximum per grand agg in Light Varmint & Heavy Varmint; and
Raton Rattlesnake - 75 points maximum per grand agg in Light Varmint & Heavy Varmint.
i know that the rules have been well thought out and discussed by guys that have been competing much longer than i have, but i'm curious as to what the theory is regarding the Nationals counting all competitors vs. capping at 75.
for example:
the guy that places 125th out of 200 shooters at the Nationals receives the same number of points as the guy that wins the Cactus.
so, basically, unless you go to the Nationals there is no possible way you can qualify for the World Team.