World Championship 2011 in the USA



One Mystery is finally solved!
The President of the WRABF, Bill Collaros, has finally published the entry fees (Aprox) for the 2011 World Airgun & Rimfire Championship to be held at the Palmetto Range in Summerville, SC on the Airgun Benchrest Forum! Thanks Bill!

“Approx $10 a target max @ 3 targets per match = $30 a match approx”

The USA Airgun Team has also been selected and they are published there also!
Congradulations to all their members who qualified and made the Team.

The Next Mystery to be solved is who is on the USA Rimfire Team??
Its not just Team USA who are a little shy on naming their team, it seems almost all the countries going don’t wish to name names. But there was a list of US shooters posted on here a couple of months back but I hear that was qualifying list and a few of those didn’t want to go to the World Championships.

One thing I’m sure of, all those from around the world that do go will have a good time and not regret they went.

Bob Collins ,Greg Davis , Tony Harper shooting 25m and 50m : Joe Oats,Steve Lloyd,Jerry Washam. 25m : Tony Blosser, Bill Busky,Jim Peppers 25m: Todd Wooten,Dan Killough,Keith Lovan 25m and 50m : Jack Boger,Richard Strouse ,Gary Cox,Dennis Drake 25m.:Kirk Gaston, Harry Deneen,Bill Hingardner,50m :Tim Miller,Jeff Miller,Ken Fulghrum, 50m:Fread Sears ,Richard Strouse,Wendal Dean 50m. Joe Besch,Bob Barnhardt,50m Hv . Hope this helps . David K
Sorry Willy the Powers to be never extended me an invitation.
What is really sad they did not even reply to my email!!!
Anyone can come along and watch the World Championships and it would be great to see people there. Official Invations are only extended to qualified shooters through their Team Captains.

I'm certainly not one of the "Powers", but would happily extend an invitation.
With you being so close, it would be a shame to miss it.
Sorta like Kathy not going to Livonia.

I don't want to put words in David's mouth, but the USA team might be described
as being in a state of dynamic refinement.

As I understand it, some of the qualifiers have had conflicts arise and had to back out.
I wouldn't be surprised if things continue to change right up to the last week in July.
Shoot Doug, you've been around, you know how flaky us USA BR shooters can be sometimes.