World Championship 2008



The World Championship dates have now been confirmed. Milan, Italy in from July 27th until 3rd August. All Countries/ Associations are invited to submit teams for this event. Rules for the event can be downloaded from the ERABSF website. Match details will be confirmed shortly, but we expect individual classes to be fought over two to three days (This will hopefully reduce costs for those that only want to shoot one class at the championship). The World Championship will also include Air Rifle Benchrest.
The UKBR22 and ERABSF websites both have details of the Championships, including initial entry forms to ascertain numbers and the official invitation. More updates of hotel information, etc will be forthcoming.
Alright Team USA!! Who's going? Im planning on going but we need more. DJ
Good luck DJ, hope you can get others to go.

PS; Wear Blue !

Fred K
I have tried to find some basic information about flights from South Africa, the USA and Australia. This information is now on the ERABSF website;
I am guessing at the airport being used, but this gives an idea. Aim for Malpensa airport as this will have direct flights if possible from your own country. If you want to fly to Europe and then change then try to aim for Linate airport as the taxi drive is shorter and less expensive. If individuals want to contact me I can try to help out with specific information. Do have a look at cheap flights in your own country as I am doing this from the UK.
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Yeah Ill be there!! Thanks Fred, you know ill be wearing Tarheel Blue!! DJ
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world match

DJ I'm interested in the match in italy . I would like to know more about going . Do you have to qualify or be invited ? Have you checked about travel arrangements and how much the cost will be ?
Nah I dont think you have to qualify. Im gonna start trying to figure out more details and Ill get back with you. dj
DJ: I wish you all the best in Italy. I will be keeping an eye out for any news about your success there. I think you are the best North Carolina could have to repersent our state at these matches. I finally won my first match two weeks ago. I shot a 937 with 30x's to make first place. First trophy will occupy a special place at home. Your Friend Eric Garrison.
Site Officials

When I traveled to Australia, back in 2000, I contacted the State Police in the State I would be shooting. They advised me and sent me all the proper paperwork. I also checked to see if this paperwork covered the entire country. It did and I had a great time shooting and visiting several ranges. Check with US Customs, on what you have to register as far as equipment, in order to bring it back into the US. If it all marked Made in USA, you have no problem.
World Champeenship R Us 2008

Count Chip in. I have been looking at the pix of the 2007 event, all I see a lot of eating and beer drinking, looks like my kind of shoot. Bob C. is working on a deal from a travel agent trying to save a buck , we need a herd to carry over there.
David Got His Guns Smokin

I Shot With David The Weekend He Is Going To Be Hard To Beat This Season.i Would Like To See David And Dj And Several More Good Shooters Go Sure Everyone That Goes Will Shoot Good And Have A Good Time.
And just think, David was going to sell that great rifle....
For all those thinking of going I think nomination close the end of next month.

If you have look at the pictures you’ll see there are 2 high mounds with baffles on them between the bench and target. I’d say regardless of which way the wind blows there will be an elevation issue. If you set your flags up between the mounds, looks like you’ll only be able to see the flags tails on your first flag. So practice without tails.

The rules say you can’t move your flags during the match and the idea of 3 shooters sharing flags and being on the same bench rotation is new to them, so make sure you get it sorted out when you but your noms in.

That not moving flags thing struck me as a bit strange with rotation required.

When I saw the photos of the match on this range last year I didn’t see any proper wind flags out, so I asked about it. Not being able to move your flags is not a problem for them because no-one in that part of the world owns a decent set of flags.

There are three mounds at Milan, depth around four feet. From what I gather TSN Milano was built around 1857 as a 100m course for muzzle loaders, apparently it was too easy for them to hit the bull so they built the mounds to make it more interesting, trust me it works.

The baffles support a wooden roof designed to stop any wayward shots, you will after all be shooting in the middle of a city.

Unless things have changed from last year you will not be allowed to use your own wind flags but those set up at the course, which consist of a length of 2 x 2, on top is a right angle steel rod set in a bearing and a streamer attached to one end.

Peter, some of us do have decent wind flags, I’ve got a nice set of Orlando flags.

Probably better to clear the situation with the flags up with the organisers however that shouldn’t put anyone off, it will be a level playing field for all (no pun intended) and I for one enjoyed it there last year, made some good friends and learned a lot.
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Your wrong about wind flags, we can use our own.
It was in the the info that was sent out.

Peter, you’re correct, maybe they were allowed last year, as I didn’t have any then it didn’t matter, certainly no one else used any but those provided. As you pointed out earlier, with a three bench rotation you’ll only get to see your own flags once at best. I’ll keep an eye on this thread to see how this develops; if it helps I’ll throw my three flags into the pot.
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