Changing two variables at the same time is usually ill advised. What I usually do is rely on experience as to where a particular type of bullet has shot the best before, to select a test seating depth for evaluating powder charge, but before I do that, I do a pressure test, one shot per charge, with the bullet almost as far into the rifling as it can be, without being pushed back as the bolt is closed (using the neck tension that I will use for my actual loads). I back it out about .003 from this point to make sure that I do not pull a bullet if I have to unload the rifle. Once I know what my charge weight limit is, at the seating depth that will produce the highest pressure for a given charge, I look at the target that I shot the test on (carefully, over flags) to see if there are any indications of a promising charge weight, based on clusters of shots. I start my next stage of investigation at the middle weight of the best looking cluster, and if I have some experience with a bullet, or bullets of similar design, change to a seating depth that has worked the best, to continue my refinement of powder charge, using two shot groups, until I see something worthy of more shots per group. With good conditions, if I have shot two shots well, as quickly as possible, and the flags held as I did, and the grouping looks bad, a third shot is not going to make it look better. I also keep in mind the probable interval between accuracy nodes as far as powder charge is concerned. For instance, I have been told, that for a typical 6PPC that nodes are about 1.2 grains apart, and my experience has confirmed this. So if I see paper between the bullet holes in a two shot test group, I may assume that I am somewhere in the middle of two nodes, and instead of fiddling around with smaller moves, consider how close I am to my max charge, and make a .6 gr. move up or down, and try another two shots. If they cut each other, but there is more vertical than I like, I will make smaller adjustments from there, and if I get no vertical difference in a group with more shots, but get a wider group than I think that I should have gotten, given the wind, I may adjust to put a touch of vertical in, to reduce the wind sensitivity. I got this from a lot better shooters than I am.
One more suggestion about shooting groups. Don't even look for a shot until you have the rifle reloaded and are in the process of aiming it. You can loose a condition (the wind may shift) if you study your shots as you take them. Those bullet holes are no going anywhere. Get your rifle ready for the next shot, and if the flags are holding, take it.