Wolf primers welding primer pkt



Wolf LR mag primers welding primer pockets

Norma cases. 7mm RemMag.

When trying to clean primer pocket with uniformer after firing Wolf LR primers, uniformer hangs up and won’t turn when used by hand. About 30% of the cases from a number of 30 shot shooting session have the problem. Can happen on first shot or last shot and any place in between. Close inspection shows a bead of brass has been welded around pocket circumference at junction of bottom of pocket wall and pocket floor between anvil legs. Cannot be removed with hand tools, like a knife point, or such as dentist would use. Have to put uniformer in drill and get it spinning before it will cut the weld/bead.

This does not happen with any other primer (BR-2/CCI 250/Fed 210/Fed 215m/Win LR mag). Happens with any powder (H 4831/RL-25/H 1000/Retumbo) with various, normal working pressure loads (no hard bolt lift, no flashing around crater). Bullet speeds over chrono show no spikes in fps on cases that evidence the problem. Happens on new brass and “well experienced” brass. No noticeable increase in pocket size on affected cases.

What’s going on?

no idea. i use lr mag from the same factory, in a 300 win mag, shot pretty warm...no issues.
no idea...sounds like a metal to metal contact issue..the alloys of the 2 being too similar ???
i use rws brass.
mike in co
One possable issue may be not seating those primers firm enough.
The wolf mag primers have a hard cup, that needs to be seated firmly{crush fit}
Thanks Gerry. I use a bench mounted RCBS tool which is adjusted to fully seat all primers full depth with enough pressure to flatten the tops. So I do not Think seating is part of the problem.

Part of the mystery is: where does the brass come from?

And Mike. I inadvertently focused on the problem happening with Wolf primers in Norma cases since that's the latest brand I am reloading. It also happens with R-P and Hornady brass.

That depends on which ones you have The early primers were silver in color asnd later brass in color.
I think the brass ones are plated.{not posative] I have used 10,000 wolf primers and no problems.
I use the hand priming tools like the lee, and also a sinclair tool. Press the primer firmly to the bottom of the case.
I bet that will help .