Windy day in San Angelo

Bill Wynne

Active member
The following is a report from Ron Herring our match director at San Angelo.
Please check out the photos at this site and the wind movie at the end.


"I'd like to thank Joe Chacon, Jim Pollard, Fred Jamison, & Joe Shahan for making the
long drives that they had to shoot with us today at San Angelo.

To say that the conditions were tough, would be an understatement; it would probably
be better to say that they were humbling, at least I can say that for myself.

Regardless, we had a great event, met some new friends, and enjoyed the camaraderie.

I've posted the results and have submitted them to Dan Killough. Once again, thank each
of you for helping make our 1st ever ARA Club Tournament a success.

Joe Chacon was 1st place & had the only 2000 scores of the day, with a high of 2035 on
target 2 & 2025 on target 3 & the high target score on target 6 of 1325.

Fred Jamison had 2nd place & had a high score on target 1 of 1710.

Jim Pollard took 3rd place & had high target #4 of 1610 & high target #5 of 1220.

John Pormann stopped by & I am including a link to not only some photos that he took,
but at the end of the slide show there is some video. Needless to say, it speaks for itself
& is probably one for the record books. Enjoy:

Be seeing you at the Range,
Ron Herring"
Glad I got to visit with you and the gang there at San Angelo. Got home with more sand than I left with. Maybe next year we can support you club again and you can come down to Boerne for our tournaments. I can almost guarantee, our wind is not as bad as yours.