


The wind pushes bullets around, we all here know that... It's just that many novice shooters think high velocity projectiles don't get blown off there flight path...Or very little...? I use the "Wind and a 747" analogy... These big birds can really get blown around...!

Here's a Youtube vid of an Airbus 320 in Germany getting thrown about in 50++ knot cross winds................OMG! Those pilots JUST saved it and came around for a successful 2nd attempt.... WOW! Wing tip damage.... Soiled undergarmets!

Yes, I believe I have shot Mooreland Oklahoma in similar conditions.........!:rolleyes::D

For years...

I myself fell into the very same category of "Oh heck..., there's no way wind has that much of an effect on a bullet runnin between 31 an 3200 fps. Then I stepped into the world of extreme accuracy shooting, an it opened my eyes to the fact that even the slightest amount of wind (10-20mph) does infact effect the shot placement of every bullet even a heavy grain .50cal bullet.

"An yes..., the Mooreland, Oklahoma range can be a whirlpool of wind to show even the noviced of beginners that wind does infact play a role in every aspect of this great sport". :)

Just my two cents

where's mooreland ?????

Is that in the (I)nternational region of BS 'ers :D

Just kidding, I wish we were having matches there again. Man, it was nice shooting so close to home.

I wish we were having matches there again.

Yes, I too Richard....:(
