I know this is a much discussed topic however it is a "brave new world" to me. I have been shooting ARA for the last 3 years or so however I have never delved into using wind flags. I have a Suhl benchrest gun and it (and me) can on a good day shoot in the 1800 to 2000 range using a two piece rest set-up. I was at our local match yesterday and for the last two targets decided to keep an eye on the wind flags used by the shooter next to me. I was using the flag he had set at 25 yards - I basically just used the tail to direct my point of aim. I shot a 2350 and 2125 - whoo, whoo! I am going to step up and purchase a set of flags - should have done it a long time ago. I know there many, many options out there however I was thinking of going with a basic set from Killoughs - maybe 3 flags? I would appreciate thoughts on this purchase - also looked at a set from Northwind flags.
Thanks much!
Thanks much!