Winchester 52-D grouping question


New member
My 52D exhibits an odd charactistic when I shoot. It seems when I take the first shot 100yds benchrest the impact is usually 2" high at 1 o'clock. Sometimes it takes a couple more shots for the grouping to settle down. Everything is tight, the barrel is free floated off the tuning screws and I'm using a 36x Leupold on a Viani mount. I don't clean the barrel and occasionally run a mop down the bore
A high first shot is typical for every 22 benchrest rifle I have owned. How long it takes to settle down is dependant on bore cleanliness and ammo used. Nothing unusual about your rifle at least in that respect
Aim low

I always aim low on my first shot, if i'm not allowed sighters. Often, I will just shoot a few shoots into the fouling pit, if available, and then proceed to the record target. This is a different proceedure, than I use for Benchrest. For Benchrest, I take all the sighters I want before ggoing to the record target.
I have a Kimber 82G that I shoot benchrest with and it does the same thing. It usually takes about 3-4 shots to settle down, I am allowed sighters in ARA so this problem does not affect my score.
ON your Kimber82-G have you had the trigger worked on and if so who did it and what did it cost? Thanks for any help you can give.garrisone.