Wilson's Range IR 50/50 Unlimited Season Opener


Well-known member
This past weekend Wilson's Range hosted the 2023 season opener.

This was what is now called a "List" match.

Match Director Jim Peightal, Dave Burns, and John Benyo had the range ready for service. As is normal with this crew the match went off without problems save the new match report program. Dave Burns figured that out and got the match report done so we could have a copy before we left.

The weather was about what one would expect this time of the year in Western Pa. Squirrely winds and not too hot. But the rain held off and we got it shot without getting wet.

If you are looking for a range to shoot RFBR IR 50/50 unlimited you need to check Wilson's Range out. You will not find a better group of guys to shoot with. They are all very helpful and knowledgeable.

The match report is below.
