Wilson Die question



I am using a Wilson Neck die for the first time. I have the correct bushing. Before I use this die, is it necessary to lube the case lightly - similar to a full length die? The only lube I currently have is the Dillon spray lube.

I am using a Wilson Neck die for the first time. I have the correct bushing. Before I use this die, is it necessary to lube the case lightly - similar to a full length die? The only lube I currently have is the Dillon spray lube.


I have used a Wilson die for decades and with a carbide button, what is "LUBE" I hope I answered your question???
I don't have a carbide bushing, I am using stainless. I was referring to case lube that would be used on dies such as RCBS full length dies.
If you dont have carbide bushings you can rub just the slightest amount of impereal die wax on the neck area only. One of the reasons that carbide bushings are used is so you dont have to use lube
I don't care if you use carbide or not, use die wax or eventually you will gall the die or bushing!

Joe Salt