Wilmore 27Oct13 - last IBS match of the year



Ten hardy HV (and 1 AR!) shooters showed up for the final IBS score match of the year. It started out chilly. I think Chris Roland may have chipped a tooth due to his chattering teeth. But it turned into a fine afternoon. The cold air and sun woke up the mirage early, but winds were light. Several normally consistent shooters apparently lost tune in the cold, but Hope Carleton had it figured out with a nice 250-22X to win at 100 yards. Wouldn't you know it, Mike Niblett came back from a dismal (for him) 250-16X at 100 yards to win at 200 yards with a 250-10X, and also won the grand. Joe Jarrell was the only other shooter to stay clean, and took second with a 500-23X. It was AR shooter Steve Parker's first match. After a rocky start, his scores improved throughout the day, and he may be hooked on this sport. Hope to see you again next year, Steve.
Thanks for the update, Keith. Congrats to Hope and Mike! Glad to see my buddy Joe shot well...also and hope that Chris doesn't need any dental work.:)