Will 308 boltface drop port a PPC case?

Guys, yes I could contact Stiller, but I understand his time is precious with the business he runs. I could ask and I know he would answer the question though.

Thought someone on here would have tried it... the y would have!

I want to open the boltface up on my drop port Diamondback, and curious if it would still drop a PPC case!

Drop Port Diamondback

Try it & see. Don't think you'll have to do anything to the bolt face. The bolt face & extractor that Stiller uses will accommodate either .308 or PPC on the short range bench rest actions. The drop port feature may be cartridge specific, don't know.
I belive there is a post very recently about the bolt of a drop port and what it can do. Don't worry about Jerry he loves to talk about his product. It will be benifital to find out from him before you screw up anything.......
Rifle is currently PPC boltface, and a 6mmbr case will not fit it. It needs to be enlarged. When enlarged, will it still drop teh PPC case....


Curious to know if a Stiller drop port action using a 0.473"(308) boltface will drop a PPC case?


If the action and bolt is for a 6BR it will drop a 6ppc case. There is some doubt if it will extract it though. I just checked my 6ppc drop port and it appears a 6BR case might have a problem falling thru the cut out in the action. The 6BR case will not fall out of a 6ppc bolt. Just as Butch said.
Thanks guys... still no 100% positive answer yet, but I'll find out before to long!

When I ordered my Diamondback action, I ordered it with a drop port large enough to drop a 30cal Dasher case. Then thats all bases covered. So drop port size will be no issue...

Drop Port

You cannot open up the face on a drop port as the ext cut was made very specific to work with either a PPC or 308 case,also if you have a PPC the port will not allow the BR case to fit unless you can find someone to open up the port,Jerry can do that for you,then you buy a new bolt with a 308 boltface. This will allow you to use either PPC or 308 cases.
Nick Loy
Drop Port

On my drop port the extractor that was used is a Remington copy!!
On the drop

ports the face is specific. A BR bolt will not reliably extract a PPC case. If you open up the PPC to BR, you need to have the correct shape for it. It is not round. It is very touchy to put in the cut and make the remington clip type extractor work. I dont think I could make it without a CNC. If you are trying a few BR cases I would just turn down the base to look like the PPC. You could make a special cutter for the lathe and do them fairly quickly.