Wilderness Road Money Match Notice


Club Coordinator
Wilderness Road Money Match
Friday June 20th 8:00 AM
Limited to 40 Shooters
Determined by The First Entered First Served
Shooting 3 ARA Targets Entry Fee $20.00
Optional Money Match Entry Fee $50.00

Purse Determined
By the Number of Money Match Entry Fee's Collected

100% Payback
20% To Each Target Winner
40% To High Overall 3 Target Agg. Winner

To Enter
Cliff Keesee 423-341-4600
email keeseec@btes.tv


1-James Carroll
2-Ray Brigance
3-Jeffrey Carroll
4-Ellie Carroll
5-Bob Finger
6-Tim Miller
7-Tony Harper
8-Glenn Spencer
9-Robert Bodamer
10-Jeff Langley
11-David Cook
12-Todd Wooten
13-Matthew Mendola
14-Jerry Cope
15-Jim Horton
16-Chuck Tipton
17-Jerry Stiller
18-George Clutter
19-Charles Mendola
20-Frank Karwowski
21-Marc Nachman
22-Chuck Morrell
23-Jim Mullican
24-Bruce Doster
25-Fred Sears
26-Jim Pepper
27-Dexter Bumgarner
28-Miki Golden
29-Dennis Drake
30-John Austen
31-Chan McDonald
32-Tony Richardson
33-Paul Tolvstad
34-Robert Oates
35-Joe Oates
36-Mike Sherrill
37-Allan Hall
38-James McConkey
39-Mike Bowland
40-Joe Besche
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We had a blast in 2013 the day before the Kettlefoot PSL. No reason to think we won't have a good time this year too. It is a great venue. Thanks Cliff! bob
Wilderness Road Money Match

Hi Wilbur
Wish you would wipe the cob webs off of your Gun and Come Shoot with your Friends Again
We would love to see you
