Wilderness Road ARA Sporter Results April 21-2012


Club Coordinator
The Day Started out a Chilly 56 degrees
The winds would be light for a while then change to Strong and Switchy making the flags hard to read
Then came a hard storm
That only lasted about 30 minutes
Then after the storm the shooting got a little better
All in all it was a very good day
Thanks to all that helped in anyway

Congratulations to all the winners

Match One Sporter
High Overall 3 Target Agg. 5735
Winner James Carroll

Target One Winner Robert Varney 1935
Target Two Winner James Carroll 1875
Target Three Winner James Carroll 1960

Match Two Sporter
High Overall 3 Target Agg. 5520
Winner Larry Hale

Target One Winner Larry Hale 2075
Target Two Winner Cliff Keesee 2000
Target Three Winner Cliff Keesee 1900

Our next Match will be a
ARA Sporter Club Tournament
Saturday May 5th 2012
Come Join the Fun