Wilderness Road ARA Results Sunday July 9th


Club Coordinator
Beautiful Day Lots of Sunshine Light Winds
Congratulations to the Winners
High Overall 6 Target Score 12350
Winner James Carroll

Winner Target 1 James Carroll 2300
Winner Target 2 Cliff Keesee 2250
Winner Target 3 James Carroll 2175
Winner Target 4 Barry Maney 2250
Winner Target 5 Allan Blevins 2025
Winner Target 6 James Carroll 2050

Our Next ARA Match will be Saturday Afternoon August 12th
Starting Time 3 PM
Followed by A- ARA Club Tournament The next Day Sunday August 13th
Starting Time 12 Noon

Bring a Friend and come join the Fun

For Information
Contact Cliff Keesee 423-341-4600
Email keeseec@btes.tv