Club Coordinator
The Day was Beautiful
The winds were light making for some good shooting
Then they change to Strong and Switchy
It was a very good day we had 16 Shooters
Thanks to all that helped
Congratulations to all the Winners
ARA Unlimited
High Overall 5 Target Agg. 10750
Winner David Cook
Target One Winner David Cook 2050
Target Two Winner David Cook 2050
Target Three Winner David Cook 2350
Target Four Winner Chuck Tipton 2200
Target Five Winner David Cook 2200
Our next Match will be an ARA Unlimited Match
Sunday June 3rd 2:00 PM
Come Join the Fun
The winds were light making for some good shooting
Then they change to Strong and Switchy
It was a very good day we had 16 Shooters
Thanks to all that helped
Congratulations to all the Winners
ARA Unlimited
High Overall 5 Target Agg. 10750
Winner David Cook
Target One Winner David Cook 2050
Target Two Winner David Cook 2050
Target Three Winner David Cook 2350
Target Four Winner Chuck Tipton 2200
Target Five Winner David Cook 2200
Our next Match will be an ARA Unlimited Match
Sunday June 3rd 2:00 PM
Come Join the Fun