Wilderness Rd IR 50/50 Schedule 2010


Club Coordinator
Wilderness Rd IR 50/50 Schedule 2010

IR 50/50 3 Gun April 3rd soty 9:00AM

IR 50/50 3 Gun May 1st soty 9:00AM

IR 50/50 3 Gun June 5th soty 9:00AM

IR 50/50 3 Gun August 7th soty 9:00AM

IR 50/50 3 Gun September 4th Soty 9:00 AM

IR 50/50 Double 3 Gun October 30th 9:00AM
And 3 Gun Soty Awards

Rangemaster Cliff Keesee 423-341-4600
Email keeseec@charter.net
Ron Spears Assistant and Scorer
Hey Cliff,
If your not doing anything in your spare time I could use some help at Allegheny!!!!!!!
Spare Time

The old saying is if you won't something done
Give it to a busy Man

Neither Ron or I needed another Job
But no one else would step up and we did not won't to loose it for another year

Thanks to you and Lamon for agreeing to run Sparta

Hope to see you at the PSL next weekend
Prior committment prevents me from making the PSL match. However I'm planning on the indoor nats at Piney Hill next month.Just received my new Gordon Eck heavy gun and can't wait to shoot it.Looks like a busy year.From the Crawfish until the last match at Kettlefoot on Oct. 30th I only have one open weekend(May 29/30).And Bullseye and Piedmont don't even have a schedule posted yet.