


I have a 6mm 06 imp 30 degrees with a 26in barrel. I have no Chronograph and would like some idea of the velocity if there is any other way to get me close. Loading manual is not much help because this is a Wildcat. I have worked the load up to (with little to no pressure signs) 56gr of H4831 with a 95gr Nosler BT. I'm thinking by looking at the 240 Weatherby data (52gr around 3200) that i should be pushing this 95gr somewhere around 3500 to 3600 fps. What's your options?
You need a chrono, but aside from that, 3500-3600 is probably a bit optimistic. Find some load data for a std. 6mm-06 and start from there. 3300-3400 would be more reasonable IMO, with the 95gr bullets. A chrono and and a close eye for pressure signs in your gun would be the best way to go. --Mike Ezell
It's a regular 06 case with the shoulder pushed back to 30 degrees
oh and btw 56gr of H4831 is compressed load for this 95 nosler in my chamber.

Are you sure you don't mean the shoulder was moved forward to 30 degrees? Either way, what you have is a very slightly improved 6-06. And by "slightly", I mean very little and maybe even no improvement. I'd say you can use 6-06 load data from any of the sources you may have. But, without a chronograph you can only guess at the velocities. That's an over-bore cartridge BTW. Best to stick with the slowest powders that work. I used to have a 240 Super Varminter (about the same thing) and 56 gr of 4831 seems a little hot to me but a lot depends on the brass you're using and how tight your chamber is, etc.

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I have 4 of the regular 6mm-06's. Two of them have 30 inch barrels and two of them have 26 inch barrels.My load is 56-57 grains of H1000 a Fed 215 primer and Lapua 30-06 brass under a 103 Spencer to a 107 Sierra.The 30 inch barrels chrono at 3433 fps and the 26 inch barrels chrono at 3398 fps over an Oehler 35.
They shoot so good my shooting buddy just built one in a heavygun with a 30 inch barrel and he is using 52.5 grains of RE22 under Spencer 103's.Its first match is this sunday at Ojai if it doesn't rain us out.
I don't shoot any of the lighter bullets but 3490 fps with the 107's is about tops with a 30 inch barrel.
With the DTAC bullets 3250 fps is about the top end limit before your primer pockets start loosening up.Best accuracy is right at 3200 fps again with a 30 inch barrel.
Your right (typo) the shoulder is pushed Foward slighty.
It may not be Improved much but it sure does look mean!! :cool:

56grain H4350 is the max in my chamber with the 95's. I usually only push em with 53grains though. Deer drop like they been hit with a 180 from a 300 win mag lol
My barrel was 30inch in 243 Super Rock Chucker. Had it set back and chambered to 6 06 imp30 just to try. Basically the same chambering (30degree shoulder on one 28 on the other). Barrel has been burned to the max lol only use for deer and whistle pigs now.
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