Wild River - Indoor January 26, 2022


Active member
Wild River Air Rifle - Grants Pass, Oregon
USARB Competition Indoor January 26, 2022

It’s an indoor range, but a lot of space to adequately heat. So lesson of the day – dress warmly.

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total
Relay I
Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 249 16x 248 16x 250 12x 747 44x

Tom Santos HV Feinwerkbau P70 .177 246 13x 243 10x 248 9x 737 32x

Damian McLean HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 243 6x 245 6x 246 7x 734 19x

Bill Davis Opn R.A.W. TM1000 .177 247 5x 249 9x 250 12x 746 26x

Relay II
Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 250 15x 250 16x 248 11x 748 42x

Bill Davis Opn R.A.W. TM1000 .177 246 9x 250 6x 247 13x 743 28x

Next rifle competition will be Indoor February 9 beginning at 9:00 am.
Ron Silveira, Match Director
Wild River indoor match

Ronaldo and company. Excellent scores and accuracy of all your rifles. Does anyone use lube on your LV pellets at all? Is your indoor LV scores always been higher than the indoor HV? I tried to look up some past scores and gave up when I was unable to get some older posts on LV and HV indoor scores. We wished we could be there, as we have never shot a match indoors and we think it would be a lot of fun. You are very fortunate to have such a facility.
Thank-you. Doug and Vipha
Wild River Indoors

In answer to your question.

"Does anyone use lube on your LV pellets at all?"
No... most of our experimental efforts are focused on testing pellet lots, whenever they can be gotten.

"Is your indoor LV scores always been higher than the indoor HV?"
Difficult to judge, since I'm about the only one of the group still shooting LV. But if obliged, I would
say comparable scores are shot by both LV and HV rifles indoors, differently than outdoors.

Ron S.
Ron, Tnanks for the information.. I have experimented with different types of lube for L.V. and the accuracy was not good at all, however I have been informed that there is a lube that helps the accuracy in L.V. just like H.V. I will verify this and let you know.
Both Vipha and I feel that our L.V. rifles are a tad more accurate than our H.V. Of course it is difficult for us to know for sure, as we do not shoot indoors. Thanks again. Doug and Vipha