Wild River Indoor February 8, 2023


Active member
Wild River Air Rifle - Grants Pass, Oregon
USARB Competition Indoor February 8, 2023

Great to have Mike back shooting with us.
My personal apology for the equipment malfunction and delayed start... will avoid doing that again.

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total

Ron Silveira LV FX Dreamline .177 248 13x 249 15x 249 14x 746 42x

Roman Salazar LV Air Arms S400 .177 212 0x 213 1x 191 1x 616 2x

Bill Davis HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 248 12x 249 16x 250 12x 747 40x

Mike Aber HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 244 14x 249 16x 245 5x 738 35x

Tom Santos HV FX Dreamline .177 246 10x 242 6x 246 3x 734 19x

Next rifle competition will be Indoor February 22 beginning at 9:00 am.
Ron Silveira, Match Director


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