Wild River Competition June 10, 2020


Active member
Wild River Air Rifle - Grants Pass, Oregon
USARB Report Outdoor June 10, 2020

First competition of our outdoor season due to Coronavirus restrictions. Every year we undergo the shocking transition from indoor to outdoor shooting conditions, and the realization that “we’re not in Kansas anymore”... this year being no different.
Regrettably, a number of our fellow shooters and comrades were not in attendance.

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total
Relay I
Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 249 6x 244 11x 248 11x 741 28x

Tom Santos HV Feinwerkbau P70 .177 244 10x 240 3x 243 11x 727 24x

Bill Davis Opn R.A.W. TM1000 .177 232 6x 235 4x 239 3x 706 13x

Relay II
Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 246 12x 247 6x 244 8x 737 26x

Bill Davis Opn R.A.W. TM1000 .177 243 2x 239 3x 241 2x 723 7x

Next rifle competition will be Outdoor June 24 beginning at 9:00 am.
Ron Silveira, Match Director