Wild River Air Rifle - USARB Report Indoor February 12, 2014



Wild River Air Rifle - USARB Report Indoor February 12, 2014

Great turnout today as we filled up the indoor range. We welcomed Jim from Washington and Chad from California as well as welcoming Oliver back to the BR fold. Unfortunately Jim’s P70 started spitting pellets all over after the first target. Next Postal in 3 months, Jim. Linda’s goal of just once beating Ron was almost realized. Thanks to Oliver’s sister for the donuts!

Shooter Ser. Class Equipment Tgt. 1 Tgt. 2 Tgt. 3 Total
Ron Silveira W HV Feinwerkbau P70FT 249 14x 249 17x 250 13x 748 44x
Linda Hopkins W HV Feinwerkbau P70FT 249 13x 248 10x 250 12x 747 35x
Steve Ware W HV Feinwerkbau P70FT 249 16x 249 15x 247 12x 745 43x
Tom Santos W HV Feinwerkbau P70FT 247 8x 247 12x 250 19x 744 39x
Chris Lovitt W HV Feinwerkbau P70FT 248 11x 247 14x 248 10x 743 35x
Oliver Gudmundson W HV Feinwerkbau P70FT 248 12x 249 7x 246 8x 743 27x
Mike Aber W LV Air Arms S400MPR .177 249 12x 245 6x 246 11x 740 29x
Gary Palmer W LV Air Arms S400MPR .177 246 9x 246 8x 247 11x 739 28x
Jim Benson W LV Feinwerkbau P70 Jr. .177 248 14x 234 8x 236 7x 718 29x
Chad Dada W Sptr. Benjamin Marauder .25 218 2x 219 0x 229 4x 666 6x

Next tournament will be Indoors February 26, beginning at 9:30 am.

Mike Hopkins, Match Director
Great shooting Guys and Gals!

What was the range temp?? At Holbrook we have had a delay getting the new heat and ventalation
for the 25 yard range. The last shoot was 5 F outside and maybe 30 F inside and nobody could see the target rings. My guess the heat waves off the bottle or air tube. The next day same cond but with a small battery fan aimed at the gun no problem seeing the rings. Yesterday used a mirage tube on the scope took care of the mirage! Or just roll a target and put it inside the sun shade for your mirage tube.

Hope Jim's P-70 is on the mend for the next match!

Any one going to the Nationals? Looks like Holbrook will have 3 or 4 going.

Range temp

Hi Paul,
I think the indoor temp was around 50 (same as outdoors). No mirage problem. Usually if it's really cold, I need a rag on my stock because of breathing condensation and the heat of my eye fogs the scope eyepiece. We don't have the heat (blower) on when we shoot because of the air currents it creates. I can't blame anything for the lack of a 750. Oh, wait...I think my pants were too tight. Yeah, that's it.