
Boyd Allen

Active member
Wen I write an apostrophe it comes up like this ', and when I use quotation marks they come up like this ". It they look normal until posted or previewed. The problem does not occur on other sites.

Taking a look...

"Quoted Text"

'Checking Boyd's apostrophe problem'

How do the above 2 lines appear in your browser?
Before I start lookin'

A couple of questions...

Which browser are you using and are you typing directly or composing in another program and pasting?
Firefox, and writing directly in the composing frame. I will do a test with another browser or two... first Chrome.
Well, it works on other sites so it oughta work here! I tweaked a setting in hopes that it works. Try it again when you get time and holler.

I've had an issue or two from time to time here & resolved them each time finally by going back to standard settings, then tweaking one customization at a time until I found the rogue setting - or gave up & stayed on vanilla settings.

While were here with forum problems...

I never did fix that search problem, you know, the one where you can't find anything. Charles E. finally gave up trying to get me to fix it and I swear I woulda if I figured out how.....

There exists a better search than anything the forum software has to offer and I believe there's a plugin available. It involves Google but seems to work pretty good especially with multiple search terms. Try it please and offer any comments you may have. Go to Google and use the following template in the search box:

your search term site:www.benchrest.com

example - McMillan site:www.benchrest.com

Given the plugin, the same search will occur from the forum so that you won't have to go to Google first - the plugin will take you there in another window.
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Boyd, I suspect you're using a Mac -- one with an old operating system maybe? Or writing (on a Mac) using a text editor that still uses the old ASCII encodings.

Try entering the Unicode number directly & see what happens. We use to see this with Mac-Windows interchanges, esp if you're using "smart quotes," which with ASCII were above ASCII 127. The only Standard was limited to 7-bit ASCII. Different encodings for 8-bit ASCII (above 128) for Mac & Windows. I would think all the newer OS's use Unicode rather than ASCII...

The straight up & down apostrophe is U+0027, but the "smart" (proper) one is U+2019


I forget the way to enter these in HTML, but there is an escape sequence that provides for them...
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From the File\Edit\View......menu, select View\Character Encoding\Unicode (UTF-8). Probably already set that way but a look won't hurt.

Are those other sites where this doesn't happen using vBulletin? Just for grins and to give me another clue, open notepad, write some quote marks, then copy and past that into a post - please sir.