

Phil Deese

Congratulations on that 250 in sporter.....those don't come easy!!;););)
Wilbur looked at the flags and told me " I got an idea that after I shoot this target I'm going to wish I hadn't came" and then laughed. I asked him what he meant, and he said that all he needed was a bunch of switchy winds to shoot sporter in. This was the second match of the day, and as usual the afternoon has more breezes. I think he just beared down and payed more attention, and it worked out! Way to go Wilbur! You and little Barney(sporter) shot well both matches.
That's a good little sporter.
Thanks Y'all

Pretty sure it's the blind hog theory but we'll take 'em anyhow they come.

Couldn't buy a 10 on the very next target....