Wilbur, What time is it?

Bill Wynne

Active member
Not a big deal, but...

Tonight we are suppose to change our clocks and watches back from daylight savings time and I am not even sure what time it is now.:)

I am writing this on 10/31/09 and my clock tells me that the time is 9:55 AM Central daylight savings time. My problem is that the time this message is posted on Benchrest.com is quite a bit different.

Is this a correctable item?

Concho Bill
Your beating a dead horse here with that post. This subject has been brought up in the past as you can see, it makes no difference.
Welll, not to flog the deceased equine BUT..... I choose to access "user CP" in the upper left hand corner, then go to "edit options" and set my time myownself.

I don't expect Wilbur to do it for me. :)

Only off by three hours for me, horse still appears with out life.
It is a time warp thing

Big Al,

You need to move your time zone two or three to the east and you can fool the thing. Follow Alinwa's instructions. It worked for me, kinda.

Move three time zones to the right and then check if horse is still dead.

Concho Bill