Wilbur - Email notifications not working


Wilbur for some reason, starting yesterday sometime, the email notifications on subscribed posts have quit working and I have not received any.
I checked my profile here and the email address is still correct.
Same one I have been using for 6 years or more.
I went out online and checked to make sure there was not a problem there.
Everything seems to be normal.
I went back through outlook and there is nothing that has changed there.
Nothing in the spam folder.
I looked through the logs and found some problems. Don't fix anything on your end and I'll work on it here. Pretty sure the end result will be a different server as this one is probably compromised. The guys I pay to keep that from happening are, of course, adamant that it is not compromised or I would have already swapped servers.

Bottom line is that email from the server is being blocked because of spam and nobody can fix it. We made some headway but not nearly enough.
for what its worth, I dont remember for certain but I think it was the day I posted the original but the space at the top where the ads rotate was showing up as a server error kind of like the last time you had problems with others.....bothering things they were not suppose to.
Wilbur, I imagine this is a case of sticking up for one's own, but I bet if you sic'd 4Mesh and Steve Shelp on it, they'd not only fix the problem, but cure the common cold.
Ok Wilbur, it seems that are working again.
I did delete some of the old subscribed threads just in case it was too many but that was a couple of days ago so I doubt that was it.
It ain't fixed completely yet. By the time I get it fixed completely it will be broke some other way.
Thanks Wilbur. I know its not easy keeping up with it all.
Very much appreciated.