Wilbur -- contact me re help w/ registration

Charles E

Hi Wilbur,

I seem to have lost your email address.

Ran into a man at the World Open who wants to participate on the BR Central forums, but keeps getting the message "BC Registration denied," & so can't register. He swears he's never posted before, Q.E.D. hasn't been a trouble maker.

I can give you more details (name, email, telephone number) in an email. Believe you know my email . . .

Missed this for days!

Likely, the IP address or the email address has been globally blocked. I'll do something...
Wilbur, the man's name is Jim McGinniss. I do have his phone number & email address, but don't think I should just post them? Send me an email & I'll reply, with his email as a CC recipient.

Thanks, Charles.

BTW, Bill Shehane also can't log on. His solution is to just send me an email with the request I post it for him . . . why people think I understand this stuff is one of many things that's beyond me.