Wilbur can you give us an estimate of when the rules will be back on-line

Just about there...

Like Y'all, can't imagine why it takes so long for me to finish anything.
Wilber: You have my sympathy. So many to do for and so few to help.

Like Y'all, can't imagine why it takes so long for me to finish anything.
Ahh, how refreshing- insight. Wilbur, I think one of the things you need to do is set up guidelines on how match results are submitted to you and during what time interval. When I was fool enough to be a rangemaster, I used Doug's program and Microsoft Office to get the results to you and send out a newsletter to shooters. Gosh, it took about 15 minutes. I'm in favor of dues if we can establish a database of members and e-mail results out to them, just like Elizabeth does. I'm sure there must me a computer saavy person at each club. This would also help you disseminate rule changes to members rather than only those that attend the Nationals and their close friends.
Bob Pekaar
What do you need for me to do?

Wilbur: You have my sympathy. So many to do for and so few to help.


It just didn't occur to me that you needed any help. I will be glad to help you out. Give me a call and we should have this thing wrapped up in a few minutes.:)
Bill, thanks for the offer

Remember back when I "automated" things....!@%@#@$$

Before the season is over...section 1 of the rules is posted. Not a lot more to worry over before posting the rest.

Changes are noted in red for the moment.....
