Wilber, Any Idea What's Going On?


Tried to post the match report twice with no success. It has worked for months & now crapped out. Any ideas Wilber? I even tried a cut/paste of the Word document and that failed.

Steve W.
PS: Please delete the three unsuccessful reports.

PPS: Typed it in this AM & it still failed!
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Don't know...

I don't know what happened there. What I don't know is why the threads wouldn't show - regardless of the file attached. I'm thinking something "fishy" about that little bit of problem. Me fishy rather than you.....

Sorry for the trouble!
Reckon I'll have to post using my PC. Interesting that the Mac worked on the forum for months! Thanks for the reply. BTW, this post was made on an iPad.

Steve W.
Did some things that probably didn't help. Try it again when you get a chance....use a small file so it won't take long.
Will do. A match is being shot today, but I'll miss it being with family out of town.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Steve W.