

steve br

Why are there only 54 threads on benchrest central rimfire board? What did I miss?
Wilbur is probably keeping them in low numbers to keep the forum from being locked up

I have a few post that has been took off the thread part of the subject, but they still on my profile or home page!! You may be able to do a search and find some of the older articles on here!! This may be being done to keep free space on the server!! There in here some where!!! Rambo
Why are there only 54 threads on benchrest central rimfire board? What did I miss?

Scroll to the bottom of the second page, look at the Tread Display Options. It is set on 1 month if it is only displaying 54 threads. You can change it to display up to the beginning.

Thanks for the Info!!

Scroll to the bottom of the second page, look at the Tread Display Options. It is set on 1 month if it is only displaying 54 threads. You can change it to display up to the beginning.


Thanks for the info jwa!! Rambo