Whose shooting a tube gun in competitions and are you happy with this platform?


New member
Are any of you shooting a tube gun in competitions? Are you happy that you went the tube gun route? Any particular negative issues that you have had with yours? I handled one and got behind it for a few rounds not too long ago. I like them a lot. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
I'm very happy with mine. I have been using it for several years, and it is very robust, no breakdowns. The only negative is the bolt removal...it takes about 45 seconds if you have the allen key with you.
How heavy did your finished rifles end up? Mine ended up being too heavy for me to shoot at my local club in benchrest. I am new to this, and ordered a barrel with a far too heavy contour. I'm wondering if I ordered another barrel it would be light enough.

I ordered one of Pierce's tube gun receivers, standard Jewell trigger, etc, so if your rifles make weight (what class?) I'm going to get a different barrel....


I seem to remember the old funnyguns. Had a very early one in 22-250. It now has a new barrel (6BR) that has remained untested for almost a decade. I'm nothing short of a lurker now that decided to become a full time grandfather. Best to all, and thanks German for the mention in your PS article several years past. I sure miss Larry, JJ and the Boyz!
I've been very pleased with an Eliseo B1 (Barnard Model P action) in F-TR. The only downside of this pairing is weight. A heavy target contour 30" Broughton sees me right on the 8.25 kg limit with a very light custom-built bi-pod and Weaver T36. With Gary E's bag-riding attachments on, it is a brilliant F-Open or BR rifle. I've moved onto a McRees modular stocked Savage .223 for my main F-TR rifle and will likely use the tubegun with a heavier scope and BR attachments as a club-level F-Open rifle from now on. (With the cost of rebarrelling in the UK, the 6.5-284 and even more so 7mmWSM users can't afford to 'waste' barrel life in regular club competition shooting!) At a later stage, I'll likely rebarrel to .284 Win for F-Open. It is that good a platform.

Unfortunately, we can't get any more over here in the UK for various reasons. If we could, I'd have had an S1 Savage 12 version without a doubt. They are pretty rare animals here - I doubt if we have more than a handful of MAK or Eliseo stocked rifles in the country. On the other hand, there are more TUbb T2Ks (not tubeguns, but same layout) than you might imagine amongst our Service Rifle shooters despite the frightening cost of importing them.

York, England