Who's meplat trimmer & pointer

I am interested in purchasing a meplat trimmer and pointer and am just curious which units are most popular. Pro's amd Con's? Hoover or Whitten.
on the trimmers the hoover is by far my favorite. the fact that it indexes off the ogive, holds the bullet secure, and gives real accurate o.a.l.'s are among the reasons.

i like the hoover tipping tool also. the main reason IS because it is bullet specific, and does a real nice clean job.

i believe whidden now makes bullet specific punches also. i have not compared them, as i am happy and cheap.

the only cons i would see are the fact that an entire new trimmer body would need to be purchased for a different caliber of bullet. this was not a concern of mine, since i shoot a weenie little 6 in both classes for benchrest, and dont trim or point for hunting guns.

both gentlemen are good guys. i am satisfied trimming and pointing on the hoover tools, of course until the next invention, haha.


Hoover Trimmer

I agree with Tom, Hoover is the choice. Not putting down anyone else.
Johns Metplat trimmer body can also be used to sort bullets. You can use a
Digital caliper or the Bullet Sorting Stand with Dial Indicator. I shoot 2 calibers
so I will purchase the other body (insert) based on Bullet selection...A+ rate
on machine work and service..:D
For what it's worth

I just trimmed and tipped 500 6mm bullets this past weekend using the Hoover tools. I got consistent repeatability from start to finish. Very pleased.
Here is the web address...


Now as far as the need/importance of trimming and tipping goes... well that's a separate issue. I did not do it last season so it is yet to be determined if this will be a worth while return on the investment, both financially and time wise. I’m sure that there are varying opinions on trimming and tipping, however it has given me a bit of a mental confidence and that alone is worth something to me.

After trimming and tipping I also ran the bullets thru the Bob Green Bullet Comparator tool. This was recommended to me by Pete Wass in another thread. That is another top quality, easy to use tool with great repeatability. I was amazed to see variation in bearing surface measurements within the same lot of bullets.


Both of the above companies were very helpful when I called with questions and are truly interested to see that you are getting the most out of their respective products.

The bottom line is that after 6 or 7 enjoyable hours spent in the garage and $20.00 or so worth of kerosene for the salamander I at least got to smoke a couple of really nice cigars. Who knows, it may even cause some tighter groups.

Dave Tooley was offering a really nice trimmer i several calibers. David Tubb may be the dealer now for Tooleys trimmer.
john, you enjoyed those 6-7 hours? wow, what kind of cigars were those?

all kidding aside, im not a ballistitian, can't even spell it properly. but if the o.a.l. of the projectile is part of the formula to determine its b.c. value, then i think it is important to make that number be the same on each one. i think:rolleyes:

john i have been one to bearing surface sort first. no clue what diff it makes, if any, as long as it gets done.

unlike john, i don't enjoy the work, but i put up with it in hopes for better results. i am still wondering what is in those cigars, maybe i gotta try em.

trimmer and Bullet Pointer

Craigroweugene, You can go to John's web site www.accuracyone.com or call John at 814-684-5322, he's a Good Guy. He will help you with any questions you may have about his tools and how to use them. He told me he would send my trimmer and pointer right away, before he even got the money.. What a Guy! :)
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Billy Copelin Used A Hoover As Well

I wrote the story for the NBRSA Newsletter on the NBRSA 1,000 Yard Nationals were Billy Copelin did pretty good for an old guy.:D
Here is a piece of the story.Hopefully they publish it soon.

Billy Copelin had won lightgun group,heavygun group,heavygun score,two gun group agg,two gun score agg,2nd in lightgun score,won 3 target heavygun score,won 3 target lightgun group,won 3 target lightgun score and won the National Title by 19 points over the 2nd place finisher.
Billy also set 4 pending NBRSA national records to boot.
Right now your probaly thinking it just doesn't get any better than that but you would be wrong Billy earned enough points at the match to put him into the newly formed Hall Of Fame with 11 points total.I was going to put out a huge equipment list of what all the winners were shooting but thanks to Billy my job is now much easier.
Billy shot a pair of 6 Dashers built by Rick Beginski.
Light gun 16.8lb.Dasher Neck 269 Action-Nesika -K.-- Scope- NightForce 8/32. Barrel-Krieger 1/8. Bullets-BERGER 6mm 105 Hunting VLD.Hoover Trimmer and Tipping dies. stock-Shehane tracker. brass-lapua 6br. primer CCI 450. powder R15. Heavy gun 35lb dasher neck 269. big nesika k. barrel krieger-straight.1.450 30inches long. scope Nightforce 12-42. stock Shehane heavy tracker.modified with front and rear rails.

He said before he tipped his bullets the guns shot so so in Montana.After tipping he earned 10 Hall Of Fame points in one match,became The National Champion and set 4 pending World Records at the next match.I'm not a Madison Avenue advertising agency but if I was his story would be plastered on all of my products.
Lynn aka Waterboy
Edit:Added picture of Billy and his awards
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You might not be a Madison Avenue ad agency but you do great service to the community by keeping us well informed of the fine accomplishments of your shooting colleagues and the methods they (and you) employ. As O'Rielly would say, you're a patriot. Thanks for all your energy.


Simply outstanding! Too Cool!

Best regards,

I've shot with Billy for about 6-7 years now and he is nothing but a pleasure to shoot with.At the nationals this year I was basicaly shooting a very similar combination to Billy and it was a pig until the last day.Billy was extremely patient with me even though it was quite apparent I was not enjoying the groups coming out of my lightgun.
To see him dominate a match the way he did was truly something to behold.He is probaly still unwrapping his prizes.
At the awards presentation he was smiling from ear to ear and he has a very Queen of England wave that keeps everybody laughing each and every time he does it.
Billy You did very well my freind!!!
Lynn aka Waterboy
Billy, I want to thank you for your research on this matter. It is one piece of Editorial work that I will save for some time. And Congrats to Billy Copelin for such a showing of Excellence on the range..

God Bless and Keep Shooting