Who is offering action sleeves fo M700 Rem


Senile Member
I'm looking for a current source for action sleeves for the M700 Rem SA's and LA's. I need the sleeves to have the same footprint as the Stolle Panda.

Brownells is selling one from JJ Industries, long and short actions. Panda footprint with an integral recoil lug. It does not have an ejection port (?)...you'll have to do that. Page 122 of catalog #62.


That's nice to know. I had a customer ask me the other day where he could get a sleeve. I told him to check with Sinclair's to see if they had any Davidson sleeves. Since Sinclair's is owned by Brownell's now, I figure they sent him to Brownell's. I guess it doesn't hurt to look through their catalogs when they send them out to find out what's new instead of just ordering what you need from them online.
At one point, Greg Tannel was buying sleeves. They were not from Davidson; somebody else. For all I know, G.T. is now making his own, but in any case, who ever supplied him made a nice sleeve (or G.T, if he is now making them).

I view the arrival of a new Brownell's catalog much the same way as Navin R. Johnson viewed the arrival of the new phone books. There are always some goodies in the new edition that weren't in the last. And not to be crass, the newest edition always spends it's first week or two in the water closet, where it surely is to get thoroughly perused.

Now, can somebody tell me why they don't come with the ejection port cutout? They come with the bolt slot cut, so it can't be a left hand/right hand issue. I are confused...


i view the arrival of a new brownell's catalog much the same way as navin r. Johnson viewed the arrival of the new phone books. There are always some goodies in the new edition that weren't in the last. And not to be crass, the newest edition always spends it's first week or two in the water closet, where it surely is to get thoroughly perused.

Now, can somebody tell me why they don't come with the ejection port cutout? They come with the bolt slot cut, so it can't be a left hand/right hand issue. I are confused...


Shoot me a note with what you'd like to have and we can talk.
