Who is Extreme Gun Care and why do all his posts seem to be an infomercial for a product? Is it a way of advertising on Benchrest Central with no fees?
Well, now that we have your attention and know of your connection with the Frogs, I have a few questions. How is FrogLube different from Ballistol or is it similar? Ballistol is also a non petroleum based agent that I believe is made in Germany. Where is FrogLube made and packaged? Can it be purchased in gun shops so as to avoid postage on every bottle? Are there quantity discounts so that I might buy a 12 pack and share it at a match? I did go to the website that I posted above and followed it to a dealer in Michigan but don't know his or her address. I didn't call the phone number or send an e-mail. I have no problem with your public information posts.