Whitehorse Match Results


Rob Ashcraft.

See the attached for the match results from Whitehorse today. WV has Jekyll and Hyde ranges! Harry Jones is probably one of the most wind isolated ranges I have ever shot and at Whitehorse it appears to be Katie bar the door.

Some great shooting by Bob Rosen and his grandson Clay Earhart to win the 2 Gun and LG Overall respectively, as well as Todd Wooten on the HG Overall. Bill Ice continues to live up to the moniker "Ice Man", finishing second in the LG Overall and 2 Gun Overall to take home some well earned Greenbacks. Some fella by the name of Tim Gardner shows up and wins HG Score, finish 2nd in HG Overall and oh by the way donates 3 Douglas barrels to be given away. Sure wish I had remembered to throw my camera in the truck to get some pics. (Musta been to concerned about the drive on 541 at 4am! lol)

Great time appeared to be had by all and hats off to the gang at Whitehorse for the well run and polished match. Appears they took some constructive advice they solicited from attendees at the first match and immediately applied it to this one. Good gang of folks at both Harry Jones and Whitehorse and I encourage you all to get a taste of the Wild & Wonderful 1000yd matches going on there.



  • HG Group.pdf
    2.8 KB · Views: 265
  • 2Gun Overall.pdf
    2.6 KB · Views: 227
  • HG Score.pdf
    2.7 KB · Views: 195
  • HG Overall.pdf
    2.6 KB · Views: 178
  • LG Overall.pdf
    2.8 KB · Views: 232
Whitehorse Continued

Continuation of Whitehorse results.


  • LG Group.pdf
    3 KB · Views: 214
  • LG Score.pdf
    3.1 KB · Views: 171
  • HG1 Relays.pdf
    3.3 KB · Views: 167
  • HG2 Relays.pdf
    3.2 KB · Views: 162
  • LG1 Relays.pdf
    3.7 KB · Views: 153
Last one I promise

Last file of Whitehorse Results.

BTW, for those that do not know, the Tim Gardner fella is the owner of Douglas Barrels in Charleston, WV. He has been very supportive, from what I hear, of the range. I took great pleasure in shaking the gentleman's hand and thanking him for the support.



  • LG2 Relays.pdf
    3.6 KB · Views: 201
nice job posting the results
looks like shooter turnout is getting a lot better
seems like every time there is a shoot there, i cant go for some reason or other
is this the last match for the year???
shot a few Fclass matches last year & one this spring so i know how the wind is and how nice the range is
2 Gun Error

I made a mistake on the 2 Gun and the correction is posted below. Bob and Bill switch places in the top 2. My apologies for the mess up.



  • 2Gun II.pdf
    2.7 KB · Views: 170

Sure wish I had remembered to throw my camera in the truck to get some pics. (Musta been to concerned about the drive on 541 at 4am! lol)


Mr. Rob Ashcraft, in your own words please explain to us, personally how did you go through the famous SR 541 stretch of road? (lol)

Mr. Rob Ashcraft would you believe, that even at 4am if you feel all the rubber gripping you're not going fast enough.

Last file of Whitehorse Results.

BTW, for those that do not know, the Tim Gardner fella is the owner of Douglas Barrels in Charleston, WV. He has been very supportive, from what I hear, of the range. I took great pleasure in shaking the gentleman's hand and thanking him for the support.


Tim is a gentleman and a credit to the sport. Good shooting Tim.;)
Matches at White Horse

jda sr.,

No more long range matches for this year. We start again in May with F-Class and NRA Long Range...on May 24. Entry fee is $30 for pre-registered shooters, or $35 on the day of the match.

Dick Whiting