Which Scope For My .308 XR-100



I have researching scopes for this rifle. I have pretty much decided on a Super Sniper in 16 or 20X. I have also considered the Weaver T-36 and the unproved Falcon 45X.

The is a dedicated target rifle, but not a true BR rifle for me. I want to shoot some informal production class matches at 100 yards, and get some practice at 200-600 yards.

I am leaning toward the SS 20X42. What say you? :confused:
I would look at the Sightron SII 36 over the Weaver T36. In fact I will never own another Weaver T36.
I have the same rifle, and put a 6.5-20 nikon FC reticle on it.

Likes 44 grains varget, 168 smk's
I Forgot to Add....

A couple of the novice BR shooters have 20 or 24X scopes and they said if they had it to do over again they would have went with the higher power 36 power.

I will look into the Sightron. I really like the price of the Super Sniper.

Go for it :D as long as you have good eyes. I have a rifle with a var. 20 and a var. 25 I like the 25 better but I have to turn it down when I get mirage. I shoot 600 & 1000 Yd. I don't see as good as I used to.
Hope this helps.

Please elaborate!!

In fact I will never own another Weaver T36.


Please share your negative experience with the Weaver T36. I was considering one for my enco 6mm BR build.


I have SS in 10x, 16x, and the 20x. All rear focus. Ok glass and rugged. Very good tracking (their most positive value IMHO). My complinant with the 20x is that there is a very limited eye relief window. Sorry, I don't know my optics terms. My Burris and my Leupolds had a much wider window on where your eye is placed with respect to the lens. Not so much a problem with the 10 and 16x, but I notice it with the 20x. If you want to do true target shooting, the crosshairs may with a little thick on the SS. However, I think they are an excellent $300 scope. That's why I have 3 of them. Rumor (a 3 year old rumor) is that SWFA is releasing a first focal plane variable this spring. A 4.8-20x42 will be the first to come to market and might be here by Spring '08. A 7-30x52 is also supposed to be on the drawing board. All rumors at this point. SWFA would stay anything more that they are researching the concept when I called and asked last year.

Luck in your choise, tiny
Many Thanks!!!

One other scope I have been considering is a Nikon Monarch UCC variable from SWFA. I think it's a 6-24X with gloss finish. I was thinking a fixed power would be a little better than a variable. Thoughts?
I topped mine off with a Bushnell Elite 4200 8-32x40. You can also send the scope to have the reticle changed should you want something changed.

I think it comes down to whatever floats your boat.

I even tried a 10x Bushnell, but I like the variable power better.


I have the Bushnell 10X tactical/target on my 25WSSM Win Coyote and really like it on my calling rifle. It's a lot of scope for the money.

I have a Nikon Buckmaster and like the Nikons, but the SS really has gotten my attention. I think I am going with the 16X SS.

Please share your negative experience with the Weaver T36. I was considering one for my enco 6mm BR build.

My experience goes something like this.
Last year I was having some unexplained poi shifts with my T-36. Since at the matches that I was shooting there were no wind flags I blamed it on condition change, even though after the shift the group would hold together. Last month I was doing load development with a new barrel and ctg. and at a point I adjusted for 2 minutes down and poi shifted 4 minutes up so I decided there was a problem with the scope.
I called Weaver to set up repairs for the scope and was told that I needed a receipt to get the scope repaired under warranty. Since I had purchased the scope directly from Weaver about 3 years ago I told them you should have the record already. They said I’m sorry but Meade had purchased the company and there are no records, so it’s your problem. It will be ( I forget the hourly rate I think min $40) to look at it plus repairs, I said is that so and hung up on them after informing them that I would just throw it in the trash can and buy a Sightron scope. I know I do have the receipt somewhere, I just need to find it at which point someone at Meade will find it uncomfortable to sit down for a while with it lodged in their ah….. well…… donkey.

Now it just so happened that I had a Sightron SII 6x24x42 scope that I had received that somehow the ocular lens had gotten scratched during shipping, it was a gift from my brother. When he purchased it he noticed that the lens was scratched after getting it home and called Sightron to see what to do about it. They asked if the dealer had another on the shelf, the answer was no. Since this was at the beginning of hunting season last fall the kind lady said go ahead and use it and after the season is over send it in and we’ll fix it.

Well the same day that I called Weaver I decided to call Sightron about repairs to the scope. I talked to a gentleman and told him the problem and he said that the scope is no longer made and that it would be 90 some dollars to upgrade to the Big Sky version of the scope. I whined that my brother had called and was told that there would be no problem in getting the scope repaired and the kindly gentleman said Merry Christmas we’ll send you the new Big Sky scope. Now I already had 2 Sightron SII 6x24x42 scopes and I really like them but after getting the new SII 6x24x42 Big Sky scope I feel guilty for not just sending the money because they are worth it. The gentleman I talked to was also convinced that I had damaged the scope rather that it being damaged in shipping and I’ll agree, the way they package them for shipping I don’t know how it could have happened but he stepped up anyway and stood behind the scope.
I also have 4 Sightron SII 4x16x42 scopes and I can’t say anything bad about them either.
I don’t know that I will ever own another scope that isn’t a Sightron.

Sorry about the long post.

Talon1959: I am doing load development testing on my new XR-100 in caliber 22-250 right now. I robbed a silver Leupold 36 power scope off one of my amazingly accurate Remington 40XB-BRKS's to do this load testing with.
Sounds to me like you need to find a Leupold 36 power for your shooting out to 600 yards.
At 100 yards the fine crosshairs of this Leupold will allow you to "precisely" aim at the smallest of points on the target that you pick out.
I have never had the slightest of problems with any of the Leupold 36 powers or 24 powers that I own.
Maybe look around for a deal on a used Leupold 36x or 24x for your range work.
Best of luck with your XR-100 in 308 and whichever scope you choose.
Be sure and let us know how it shoots for you.
Hold into the wind
Chisolm, James
Yea, watching all the problems a shooting bud had with Meade last year took the Weaver 36 I’d planed on buying last year off my purchase list. Ended up using a Burris 8-32 sig (older light collector version) and the clarity more than made up for the 4-power difference, I didn’t feel handicapped at all and may just keep using it this year! There’s no excuse for the runaround and broken promises Meade put him through month after month after month, I even though about buying him a replacement scope just so I didn’t have to hear the horror stories any longer!
It’s a shame because I had great luck with the first gen weaver 36 I used for a couple of years in matches and practice, but there’s no way I’m going to be on the receiving end of Meade’s customer service.

Do you have a Big Sky 36? I’m curious how the optical quality is compared to the weaver and Leopold.
The Sightrons I looked through at the match were pretty ho hum and on par with the weaver, but I don’t believe any of them were the Big Sky version.

Sorry I do not have a Sightron 36x scope. All my Sightron experience has been with the 4x16 and 6x24. One of the 4x16s is on a 30-378 and one of the 6x24s is on a 338 Lapua and both are holding up well.
I personally would like to get my hands on the 8x32x56 SIII they look like they will be nice:cool: I do not care for a center dot scope though. I see Midway has a price on them of $825 I am sure that they can be found cheaper other places.