Which savage bolt model?



Ive been looking at savage rifles as a possible Xmass present for my dad. I'm looking at their 6.5 cal. rifles in model 12 lrp and the model 10 predator. Question is, whats the best action savage makes?
Thats what i wanted to know i suppose. the lrp i saw was a model 12. the predator is a model 10. the 12 looks like a sako copy or something. while the older 10 looks like a rem 700-ish action. i thought maybe someone here might have built rifles on savage actions and might know which is most desirable.
What type of hunting, or shooting does your dad do? The models you mentioned are hard to beat. You may have to stretch your imaganation to think of the Savage as a handsome rifle, but it will shoot with anything out there at a much smaller price. My son's now have 6, or more Savage actions, and more than that in Remington's, plus a couple of custom's. They don't fault the Savage at the price.
Also , are there canted scope bases for savages and if so who makes em? the shooting would be coyotes ( over varied and possibly long distances )/target...etc. I want to get a rifle that would hopefully be good for 1000 yd shots. Even though most shots of course would be much shorter.
All bullet's are troubled with a problem call "Drop". You don't just merely aim, and hit thing's at 1000 yrds. Wind will play with you a bit also.
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On the 10 (Short.) and 110 (long.) series of guns. (10,11,12,14,16 ETC.) the actions are all the same the only diference is the machining done to them, and finish. They all use the same parts, (with a few exceptions with the accu-stock, and model years.) and function the same. To answer your question, they are all good.
Thanks 82boy. That's the post I was looking for. I have two custom rifles but both are on rem 700 actions. Didn't know what savage bolts to look at. Anyone know about the new model 12?